Spirits Weapons Copium

This only affects spirit weapons, juggernauts can spam their fs without any issues

So you challenging me? Alr, Im cooking another variant of what can vitality energy bar be

Isn’t that what spirit weapons are already supposed to be? They damage you every time they’re used, so of course you’re going to have to aim and pace your shots.

Nah, it can easily be overhealed just like drawback

spams skills and you’re going to lose more health than you’d want - that’s the drawback of spirit weapons (and drawback itself) and it’s literally fine the way it is. there’s no need to heavily punish the player for missing a single attack.

Fine, overcooked

Next time I will bring here better ones (sinister laugh)

your attacks killing you already do that

That’d be dope as hell

The time has come. Someone forgor to close the kitchen door, I snuck in and cooked this. I got some inspiration from Maple’s soul alignments/paths idea.

After first awakening, vitality users gain (Wardens replace energy bar with) a new bar next to their energy bar: the Soul Resonance bar.

The Soul Resonance bar: “An ancient, long forgotten ritual where a mortal should connect their soul with the chosen kind of power in order to learn how to use their spirit to summon powerful weapons”.

After first awakening/interchanging to Vitality build, the user should choose one power to connect their soul with. This will affect their spirit weaponry and their Soul Resonance bar:

Calm Clearmind: “Connects user’s soul with the power of tranquility, you do not need to worry anymore while fighting, calm mind will give you power”. You gain a number on your SR bar, what goes up each time you land a spirit weapon attack. Different attacks (like Ultimate arts) fill it faster than others. Once reached 100%, the bar empties, giving the user massive buff in damage, speed and attack speed for a short amount of time. Each time the bar unleashes its power, it gets more and more contaminated. This makes it fill slower. To clean the contamination, you should charge up energy for some seconds depending of how contaminated the bar is.

Infernal Rage: “Connects user’s soul with the rage compared to nothing, what knows no stop on its path, but needs to be fueled up for existense”. You gain a meter as your SR bar, this goes up each time you use a spirit weapon attack. Each time you repeat the same attack, it will give less % of meter than before, so you need to use different attacks. When meter is below 40%, your attacks are smaller and weaker than usual. When between 40% and 75%, the attacks are a bit faster and bigger than usual. When the meter reaches 85%, you gain increased damage along with previous buffs. The bar empties automatically. To reset the count of same attacks, you need to charge up energy for a time based on how full your meter is, though charging fully empties your meter.

Flow of Excellence: “You connect your soul with an urge to reach the excellence, thus making you being afraid of even the smallest mistakes”. You gain a bar as your SR bar that is full by default, but empties a bit each time you get hit or miss your attack. This bar fills by itself after it hasn’t got smaller for 3 seconds. You also fill your bar by landing spirit weapon hits. When its full, you gain huge buffs in damage and travel speed of attacks. Each time it lowers, you gain your screen distorted and lose your buffs for a second. If the bar goes below 80%, you lose all buffs completely and gain permanent dark hue over your screen. When the bar reaches 50%, you get massive speed and damage decrease, with much thicker hue. Once it fully empty, you die. If you charge energy, you will slowly fill up the bar, but geitting hit while charging lowers the bar even more than usual.

Source of Fear: “You connect your soul to the underworld, filling your attacks with the power of dread and despair, terrifying your enemies”. Your SR bar now shows how much Fear power you have. You can charge energy to fill it up, but it also fills up by default. Each spirit weapon attack used drains some of the bar. If your attack hits someone who doesn’t directly see you or is under any vision-obscuring effect (Sandy, Soaked, Blinded, Thermo Fist’s fueled bar, some of Insanity effects, Flow of Excellence’s hue, and all others), you give them stacks of Fear effect that boosts their speed but reduce their damage and accuracy greatly. Fear can stack up to 10, and when it reaches 10, it clears, and the target freezes on place for some seconds, unable to do anything.

Will to Life: “You connect your soul with the mysterious power of Life, allowing you to support yourself or allies in battle, but in return makes you feel the sorrow for each living being died from your hands”. Your SR bar now shows how much Life power you have, you use it for attacking, and can charge energy to refill the bar. Close-ranged spirit weapon attacks heal a bit and give damage resistance and increased speed, but reduce damage slightly, these buffs apply to any ally or yourself who is in range of an attack. Long-ranged attacks leave soul chunks in place where they landed, these exist for 10-20 seconds and can be picked up by you or your allies, giving the same buffs. Life power drains with each attack, and fully empties when you kill anyone.

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Bro cooked a buffet

You still haven’t seen the full size of my idea…

that means they want you to improve your suggestion thats supposed to be included in your suggestor joining request and/or check denied suggestions

either that or you submitted your request to the wrong guy

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Did you suggest something that is in the “do not suggest” list?

Well, I have done two join requests long ago, both were answered in a couple of days, and even if it was declined, I would know, also I tried sending another request and it said that previous is still unanswered

No, my were a new siege weapon and a new strenght weapon

That’s weird then, mine got accepted in less than a day

To everyone who’s favourite class is “Warden”:

No, your favourite class is not Warden. This is simply a fact. It’s like saying your favourite magic is Cataclysm, except Cataclysm actually exists. You can’t have something that has had zero work done on it as your favourite. And posts talking about content related to something that doesn’t exist, is just talking about content that does not exist.

No matter how many wild ideas you come up with, your favourite class cannot be Warden, and your favourite features can’t be Spirit Weapons because neither exists at all.

Also, like why are you allowed in the kitchen, half the suggestions here are like making vitality completely and utterly different from every other stat, what with like 5 different unique mechanics only for vitality.

Dumb afterthought, but if save files become a dev product instead of a gamepass, I’m wondering if I should get files for the Strength builds I don’t have or a file for Warden.

I’m probably gonna buy files when Warden comes out