Spirits Weapons Copium

Bro got atlantean IQ

Babe wake up new copypasta dropped

To everyone who’s favourite class is “Warden”:

No, your favourite class is not Warden. This is simply a fact. It’s like saying your favourite magic is Cataclysm, except Cataclysm actually exists. You can’t have something that has had zero work done on it as your favourite. And posts talking about content related to something that doesn’t exist, is just talking about content that does not exist.

No matter how many wild ideas you come up with, your favourite class cannot be Warden, and your favourite features can’t be Spirit Weapons because neither exists at all.

Alright, you asked for this.

Weapons that aren’t being held by the user, instead they float around him. They are different from normal weapons. They have pre-set skills like normal ones, with skills being unlocked with vitality points. Unlike normal weapons, spirit weapons’ skills are customisable via character tab.

The player should create his weapon in this tab before being able to use it. After creating, he can change skills of weapon, this works not like spells or techniques but works like normal weapon skills, though they are customisable.

Important change to vitality stat: now it doesn’t have damage decrease, gets locked out if your awakening doesn’t include it and increases spirit weapons’ skills size like all other stats. After first awakening, vitality users gain (Wardens replace energy bar with) a new bar next to their energy bar: the Soul Resonance bar.

The Soul Resonance bar: “An ancient, long forgotten ritual where a mortal should connect their soul with the chosen kind of power in order to learn how to use their spirit to summon powerful weapons”.

After first awakening/interchanging to Vitality build, the user should choose one power to connect their soul with. This will affect their spirit weaponry and their Soul Resonance bar:

Calm Clearmind: “Connects user’s soul with the power of tranquility, you do not need to worry anymore while fighting, calm mind will give you power”. You gain a number on your SR bar, what goes up each time you land a spirit weapon attack. Different attacks (like Ultimate arts) fill it faster than others. Once reached 100%, the bar empties, giving the user massive buff in damage, speed and attack speed for a short amount of time. Each time the bar unleashes its power, it gets more and more contaminated. This makes it fill slower. To clean the contamination, you should charge up energy for some seconds depending of how contaminated the bar is.

Infernal Rage: “Connects user’s soul with the rage compared to nothing, what knows no stop on its path, but needs to be fueled up for existense”. You gain a meter as your SR bar, this goes up each time you use a spirit weapon attack. Each time you repeat the same attack, it will give less % of meter than before, so you need to use different attacks. When meter is below 40%, your attacks are smaller and weaker than usual. When between 40% and 75%, the attacks are a bit faster and bigger than usual. When the meter reaches 85%, you gain increased damage along with previous buffs. The bar empties automatically. To reset the count of same attacks, you need to charge up energy for a time based on how full your meter is, though charging fully empties your meter.

Flow of Excellence: “You connect your soul with an urge to reach the excellence, thus making you being afraid of even the smallest mistakes”. You gain a bar as your SR bar that is full by default, but empties a bit each time you get hit or miss your attack. This bar fills by itself after it hasn’t got smaller for 3 seconds. You also fill your bar by landing spirit weapon hits. When its full, you gain huge buffs in damage and travel speed of attacks. Each time it lowers, you gain your screen distorted and lose your buffs for a second. If the bar goes below 80%, you lose all buffs completely and gain permanent dark hue over your screen. When the bar reaches 50%, you get massive speed and damage decrease, with much thicker hue. Once it fully empty, you die. If you charge energy, you will slowly fill up the bar, but geitting hit while charging lowers the bar even more than usual.

Source of Fear: “You connect your soul to the underworld, filling your attacks with the power of dread and despair, terrifying your enemies”. Your SR bar now shows how much Fear power you have. You can charge energy to fill it up, but it also fills up by default. Each spirit weapon attack used drains some of the bar. If your attack hits someone who doesn’t directly see you or is under any vision-obscuring effect (Sandy, Soaked, Blinded, Thermo Fist’s fueled bar, some of Insanity effects, Flow of Excellence’s hue, and all others), you give them stacks of Fear effect that boosts their speed but reduce their damage and accuracy greatly. Fear can stack up to 10, and when it reaches 10, it clears, and the target freezes on place for some seconds, unable to do anything.

Will to Life: “You connect your soul with the mysterious power of Life, allowing you to support yourself or allies in battle, but in return makes you feel the sorrow for each living being died from your hands”. Your SR bar now shows how much Life power you have, you use it for attacking, and can charge energy to refill the bar. Close-ranged spirit weapon attacks heal a bit and give damage resistance and increased speed, but reduce damage slightly, these buffs apply to any ally or yourself who is in range of an attack. Long-ranged attacks leave soul chunks in place where they landed, these exist for 10-20 seconds and can be picked up by you or your allies, giving the same buffs. Life power drains with each attack, and fully empties when you kill anyone.

All players before their first awakening can only create one weapon.

Wardens can have second weapon along with 10% dmg resistance as first awakening and third along with 10% dmg resistance as second awakening.

Paladins and Juggernauts gain magic/fighting styles imbuement into spirit weapons as their first awakening and 10% dmg resistance along with choice of getting second slot for magic/fighting style/spirit weapon as their second awakening.

Knights’ first awakening changes: their aura now gives 20% attack size, 10% attack speed and 5% blocking power (imbuing spirit weapons into normal ones or normal ones into spirit weapons would look weird), and they get second spirit weapon slot along with 10% dmg resistance as second awakening.

Savants’ awakenings are changing in the same way but they won’t get dmg resistance.

Now about creating process. First, the user should choose weapon type. The types: orb, blades, staff, shield, chains, mantle, needle, boulder, musket, cannon, anchor, tome. Second, the user should customise skills for his weapon. Important note!!!: none of skills are moving the user.

All of weapons can block without hp cost but with stamina drain. When charging up, all spirit weapons created appear next to the user.

Skills of weapons are being unlocked at: first skill - 50 vitality points, second - 100, third - 200, fourth - 350, fifth (ultimate art) - 550. All skills are draining hp in the moment they were used, unless otherwise written. Altering almost any skill’s properties will affect hp cost. Hp drain is NOT percentage-based, so running high defense builds as vitality route will make more sense than as non-vitality routes.

Projectile destruction: some of spirit weapons’ skills are able to destroy projectiles. There is a chance for each projectile to be destroyed, meaning some of them will bypass and land their hit. The chance of destruction is based on speed (faster - less chance), size (bigger - more chance) and destruction of projectile (higher - less chance), that means fast, small and destructive projectiles have the highest chance to bypass.

Spirit weapons created appear in user’s backpack like magics, fighting styles or weapons, and need to be selected in a hotbar to appear near the user. The pose the user will enter in after summoning a spirit weapon can be chosed upon creating, and it can be different for each weapon.

The spirit weapons’ attacks are not cut down when the user switches to magic or something other, so its possible to activate some spirit weapons’s skills and start attacking with magic for example. Despite being logical for spirit stuff to get buffs from warding and debuffs from insanity, I see it not suited for one of four routes to be based on status effects, when three others aren’t.

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  1. Spirit orb - “A glowing, light blue translucent orb with opaque solid core. It pulsates with strange, ancient energy and spins clockwise around you. This energy is more dangerous to your enemies than to you”.

    Normal attack: the orb slams itself into the selected place, works like ranged weapons, so it has mid-high range with reload time depending on the range of hit (the orb should return to the user before being able to be used again). Attack speed stat affects its flight time. Needs surface (but will boomerang back if hit an enemy like it was surface).

    Block: the orb starts floating right in front of the user (mid blocking power).

    Orbit spin: the orb spins around the user at high speeds, damaging everyone around and destroying projectiles. The properties of this skill are: number of spins, orb size (bigger size means bigger hitbox, but lower damage and lower projectile destroying chance) and does it have knockback or not (does have - more damage, does not have - less damage). This can result into Parry if knockback is on.

    Neutron star: the orb flies on top of user’s head/to the cursor and emits shockwave that does medium-small dmg but high knockback. Can be self or placed, also the amount and size of shockwaves can be chosen, along with the type (pillar/shockwave/sphere).

    Unstable charge: this skill after activation disables orb, absorbs some of your hp, and after you receive damage from enemies equal to 5% of your max hp, the orb unleashes sphere-like shockwave that deals great damage. You can change the percentage of your hp needed for activation, higher % will make the damage bigger.

    Magnetic tornado (holdable skill): the orb starts spinning at blazing speeds around the user, slowly draining hp and creating a field that pulls all enemies around to the user, while in the area they receive slight damage. The longer you hold it, the longer it will be. Changing the size of this field will affect hp drain rate, also you can choose, will the tornado disappear immediately after you stop holding skill button or, for additional hp cost, it will stays for a couple of seconds allowing combos.

    Ultimate art: Planet collision: the orb flies in the sky atop them, increases its size greatly and falls, dealing devastating damage to all beneath it. Size and damage can be altered, but it will affect hp cost, also you can change the height the orb will fall from, higher means longer time before collision but higher damage. Needs surface.

  2. Spirit blades - “A glowing, light blue translucent pair of swords. They seem to not be suited for slicing, but for stabbing. They seem to keep flying on your sides”.

    Normal attack: blades in rotation impale the selected place, works simular to Cannon Fist normal attack, so it has mid range and fast attack speed.

    Block: the blades cross themselves in X shape (mid blocking power).

    Blade draw: Hurricane (holdable skill): blades spin at high speeds in front of the user, slashing anyone in range, slowly draining user’s hp and destroying projectiles, also knockback of this attack can be altered: only when key is released (higher dmg) or no knockback (lower dmg). Size of blades in this skill is changeable. If knockback is enabled, this can result into Parry.

    Blade draw: Protruding souls: both blades go underground to summon two lines of swords from below to pierce the opponents. One line goes straight forward, second line is a circle around the user. Number of blades can be different between two lines and is changeable. You can also alter the amount of hits (1-5)

    Shimmering sword: one of the blades flies at slow pace in a straight line, and emits in a heartbeat way light blue light that has low damage, blinds and knockbacks enemies around. When the sword reaches surface or flies by some amount of time, it explodes in a flash of light blue light, that does low knockback and slightly blinds but does great damage. To prevent spamming this skill into the ground, the blade should fly at least 2 seconds to explode on contact with surface, otherwise it just disappears. You can alter size of the sword, effect power (more effect power means higher knockback and blindness but less damage while blade flies, and more damage along with slighter blind and damage on impact when less effect power is chosen), and turn off impact explosion for greater effects of blade’s flight.

    Spirit parrying: both blades quickly rotate around the user, destroying projectiles and highly damaging all enemies around without knockback. There can be from 1 to 5 rotates, simular to spell Jump and technique Airstep. You need to take damage from 10 projectiles to reload this skill, it won’t reload by itself while in battle, but has small reload time while not in battle. Can result into Parry.

    Ultimate art: Purification: both swords auto-aim at target to pierce them and unleash devastating light blue light that does a lot of damage. You can change this attack: it can send both blades in the same enemy or the blades will separate and attack two different enemies, separated blades do less damage but more damage overall.

  3. Spirit staff - “An opaque, light blue staff with the gem on its edge glowing in soul light. You feel an unexplainable dread when trying to touch its gem. That gem makes the staff always stay in place up-behind you, like you had always been its owner”.

    Normal attack: the staff sends a projectile towards cursor, the range is very high at cost of reload. If held before releasing, the projectile sent will be bigger and will have more damage not affecting reload time.

    Block: the staff continually emits soul field (it covers 180° but has low blocking power).

    Dome protection: summons a dome that destroys projectiles (amount of seconds the dome exists is chosen through customisation of skill). Also enemies will have DoT dmg while standing inside the dome, and the user with his allies are gaining knockback resistance. Can be self or placed (placed will have lesser effects). Dome size is changeable.

    Spiritual cure: the staff emits a wave, giving buffs to the user and his allies. The list of buffs with only one being chosen by the user: 1) healing (heals more hp than drains), 2) damage reduction, 3) damage boost, 4) agility and attack speed boost, 5) attack destruction and attack size boost. Like Mode spell and Focus technique, the effects are scaling with intensity.

    Restless soul: the staff fires large projectile that travels with great speed and explodes on impact or after some time, dealing high damage. You can change the amount and size of souls fired, works like Blast spell.

    Sacred area: the staff emits globe-shaped attack that knocks back everyone around the user, dealing very low damage. Can be self or placed, and you can choose where enemies will be knocked to: upward (they will be flung up in the sky), backward (they will just be knocked away) or downward (they will be pounded to the ground).

    Ultimate art: Soul dimension (holdable skill): the staff, heavily draining user’s hp while key is held, unleashes its power in a colossal dome, where enemies will suffer great DoT, along with vision distortion and slower movement speed. Size of dome created can be chosen, but it will drain more hp. Also, when the key is released, the dome explodes, dealing extra damage to enemies and draining extra hp (can be turned off).

    1. Spirit shield - “A glowing, light blue translucent shield. It seems to be able to sense your life power, and devoted its existense to protecting you. While you are in no danger, it prefers aimless spinning counter-clockwise around you”.

    Normal attack: shield bashes the place in front of the user, melee range and mid-high damage.

    Block: the shield works like normal one, but it flies by itself, the user doesn’t need to hold it by their hands, also no durability bar (high blocking power).

    Total protection: the shield becomes bigger, covering almost 180° and destroying projectiles with higher chance, the angle of protection and shield’s existing time and size can be chosen by the user. Does not affecting enemies but they can’t pass through the shield, even with skills, so it acts like a barrier for them.

    Spirit slam: the shield slams itself into the ground and flings anyone away, stunning them for a while. Can be self or placed. Needs surface.

    Soul barrier (holdable skill): the shield turns into large glowing barrier around the user, drains their hp and deals damage on contact with enemies, also knocking them back. You can enable finishing knockback when key is released, this won’t affect damage. Can result into Parry.

    Shield combo: the shield slashes an enemy with their edge, lifts the enemy by appearing beneath them and slams the enemy into the ground by appearing above them. You can choose 1 to 5 uses which reload by blocking. One target melee grab combo move. Needs surface.

    Ultimate art: Unbroken will: the shield disappears, giving the user high damage resistance, total knockback resistance and makes all enemies around suffering from damage (depends on how close the enemy is to the user). Screen of enemies would shake. Effects scale with intensity. Effect duration can be chosen.

    1. Spirit chains - “Two glowing, solid light blue translucent chains aimlessly rotating around you. You feel like they can wrap around anything, even yourself, but they seem to just help you in battle instead”.

    Normal attack: both chains in rotation wrap around target, dealing low damage bit stunning them for short amount of time. Mid range.

    Block: the chains wrap around the user to protect (mid blocking power).

    Spirit grab: chains connect together and wrap around target for a decent amount of time, immobilizing and dealing low damage but disappearing after the target gets hit. For additional hp cost, you can add movement speed decrease to the enemy after he gets released.

    Total control (holdable skill): while slowly draining user’s hp, the chains wrap around the target, allowing the user to move them around and in the sky as long as key is held. For extra hp cost, you can enable damage over time to the enemy while he is being grabbed or block their ability to attack (much greater hp cost).

    Flaming chains: both chains lit themselves in light blue flames, making all further chains’ attacks deal extra damage for short amount of time. Extra damage is based on intensity, but its possible to increase it for additional hp cost.

    Spirit whip: chains connect and do quick whip attack to everything around the user, with range and amount of attacks being able to be chosen.

    Ultimate art: Soul net: chains multiply in size and number and form a large light blue glowing net that grabs all enemies nearby the user and becomes smaller, sufflocating them. After this, all enemies are being thrown away where cursor is, they get extra damage if were thrown towards surface. Time of net existing and size of it is chooseable for hp cost.

    1. Spirit mantle - “A glowing, light blue translucent mantle that covers your back, without touching your body for an unknown reason. You sense someone hiding deep inside the mantle, an entity what is not hostile to you, and shows up only when called”.

    Normal attack: the mantle uses its corners to stab enemies around, so it has close range but fast attack speed.

    Block: the mantle uses its corners (low blocking power).

    Soul punch: an image of player appears in the mantle, it quickly flies to the cursor and does a single punch that knocks the enemy away. The properties are: knockback angle (upward, backward or downward) and size of image.

    Spirit barrage: an image of player appears in the mantle, it quickly flies to the cursor and does a barrage of punches, before sending the enemy flying with finisher. Can be changed in the way same to Rushdown technique.

    Mantle cover (holdable skill): by draining the user’s hp at a slow pace, an image of player appears in the mantle in front of the user, the image uses mantle to cover the user from projectiles, but after the key gets released, it swings the mantle, sending wind projectile that does mid knockback and damage to the enemy who did their hit last. This ability can result into Parry.

    Spirit judgement: an image of player appears in the mantle, it teleports to the enemy and starts leaping around at high speeds, slashing them with corners of mantle and punching them with fists of image. Duration and area size can be altered. Also can be self or placed.

    Ultimate art: Brutal finisher: an image of player appears in the mantle with more intense glowing, it auto aims at the closest target, does one punch in their stomach, second punch in their head, then five slashes with the mantle’s corners, then an uppercut, and finally throws the enemy into the ground before crashing at them. You can choose the amount of hits in the combo (1) stomach punch, 2) head punch, 3) five slashes, 4) uppercut, 5) throw, 6) crash), each hit drains extra hp from the user. Devastating combo, but after grab is being started, the user can just switch to the other weapon and continue fighting, they don’t need to wait before combo ends.

    1. Spirit needle - “A glowing in fragile, light blue light, tiny needle floating right above your head. Despite being that small, a highly corrupted force surges through it, ready to be released on your command”.

    Normal attack: the needle stab the selected place, applying DoT damage effect to enemies. All needle’s attacks have low damage but give DoT effect dealing extra +200% damage in 10 seconds, the effect can’t stack, it works exactly the same as Poisoned but not that useless. The range is mid and attack size is small, but attack speed is high.

    Block: the needle creates a small barrier from its tip (low blocking power).

    Soul impale: the needle impales one target, holds them in place for a second, and then throws them away (simular to spears’ impaling strike). You can choose where the target will be thrown to (upward, downward or backward), and the time they are being held (at higher hp cost).

    Ranged poke: the needle increases its lenght and pokes the target, unlike other moves the damage is pretty high, so it works excellent as DoT applying move, although it is hard to land like a gun attack. You can alter needle’s max lenght and enable or disable the ability to hit through solid objects, but it will cost you more hp.

    Spiritual sewing (holdable skill): the needle conjures a string and flies towards cursor, very slowly draining user’s hp. As long as key is held, you can move the cursor so needle will change its direction. The needle will go through each enemy on its way, dealing damage. You can enable the string dealing damage to all targets after you release the key (low extra hp cost), allow the string to pull all targets to yourself (mid extra hp cost), stun all targets while the move is in process (high hp cost) or toddle how many times the needle can go through each target (one time by default, max is 5 times, high hp cost).

    Wandering spirit: the needle becomes translucent and flies at medium pace in one direction. It can go through all objects, and all enemies around the needle become highlighted, though this move deals no damage. You can change the size of area around the needle where its effects will work, or turn on damage to enemies.

    Ultimate art: Revenant: the needle unleashes its power, separates from the user’s control and travels by itself for some time, autoaiming to all targets, dealing high damage on hit. While the move is active, the user can’t control the needle, but can use any other things to battle. This move has no fixed duration, the needle should hit all targets around once before returning to the user, finishing the move. You can change the amount of times each target can be hit, or alter the size of zone around the user where the needle will search for targets.

    1. Spirit boulder - “A huge, slow and heavy chunk of cliff slightly glowing in light blue light and floating high above and slightly behing you. You have no clue where could you see that boulder before, but it is highly familiar to you. Its slowness is preserved by devastating power hidden inside it”.

    Normal attack: the boulder smashes itself into the cursor. It makes up for small range and speed by having high damage and size. Needs surface.

    Block: the boulder covers the user (high blocking power)

    Terra tremor: the boulder smashes the ground, causing massive earthquake around it. The enemies’ screen starts shaking, their movement slows down, and they suffer damage. The boulder’s impact also destroys projectiles, but tremors don’t.
    This move needs surface and can’t hit those who isn’t touching the ground. Can be self or placed. You can choose the size of impact, the size of earthquake and allow the impact to send enemies flying (this will increase move’s damage).

    Underground rift: the boulder goes underground, appearing right below the chosen area. It bursts out of ground, dealing higher damage in smaller area and slighly lower damage in bigger area around. You can alter the amount of times the bigger area will deal damage (up to 5), allow the boulder to fall back, dealing damage in smaller area second time, and change overall size of move. This move needs surface and can only be placed.

    Meteorite storm: the boulder flies to the sky and breaks apart, allowing the user to choose the place where it lands in form of a meteor barrage. With long startup, this move deals the highest damage among all other boulder’s moves, excluding Ultimate art. You can choose how many parts the boulder will break apart into (6 by default, 1 min (it won’t separate at all), 20 max), and change the time between each piece’s impact.

    Sealed soul: the user transports their soul into boulder (visible by boulder starting glowing more intense and becoming a bit translucent). For next 20 seconds, the only way to damage the user is to hit the boulder, but user’s hp drains as long as their soul is inside the boulder. You can enable damage reduction (0%-20%) while move in progress, and alter the duration of move (10-30 seconds), these affect hp cost.

    Ultimate art: Milennia mountain (holdable skill): the boulder turns into huge translucent mountain, dealing damage on transforming, and all damage inflicted inside it will be returned back to who dealt it once the move ends. The user is invulnerable while holding the key, but loses their hp fast. Percentage of damage returned is 50% by default, but can be increased to 70% or decreased to 20% (affects hp cost). You can enable the mountain deal damage after disappearing.

    1. Spirit musket - “A glowing in fragile light blue light, this musket seems to be used by ages, though no living had touched it before you. Its bullets have never heard about missed shots before. It keeps floating on your the left side, and its aim is as good as its first owner had”.

    Normal attack: the musket fires a bullet to the cursor. This weapon has the highest range among all others.

    Block: the musket uses normal musket’s block animation (low blocking power).

    Seagull skeet: the musket fires 8 bullets in blunderbuss manner, all of them auto-aims at the closest target. The amount can be increased up to 16 bullets, and the knockback changed from 0% to 200%.

    Soul onslaught: the musket fires one sticky bullet that grabs the enemy on hit. This bullet then returns to the musket, pulling the enemy with itself. If enabled, the enemy will take damage as long as they are attached to the bullet. Also, if enabled through customisation, after the bullet returns, it can explode, knocking the enemy back.

    Bull’s eye: the musket fires one small bullet with intense glowing that pierces everything on its path. Size can be changed, and you can alter will the bullet go through objects or destroy them.

    Lighthouse trick: the musket fires 3 big bullets that land nearby the cursor and go partially invisible. Anyone who walks nearby them will be highlighted and damaged by bullets, and all projectiles around for short amount of time will slighthy aim into them. Can be self or placed. You can choose, will the bullets deal damage, lift enemies up or stun them.

    Ultimate art: Pixel perfect: the musket focuses all its power into one shot that has unlimited range and great power. It will pierce through anything and anyone. This move can have up to 5 charges, chosen by the user, and will go on cooldown once all charges are fired.

    1. Spirit cannon - “A large, glowing light blue transparent cannon, with solid frames still keeping memories from a deck of long time sunken ship. It flies on your right side, and looks too heavy to be lifted by human’s hands”.

    Cannonball infusion: to use this weapon’s skills and attacks, you need spirit cannonballs. Each attack or skill consumes one cannonball. To make them, press R while holding the cannon, and you will get an option to convert any type of your cannonballs into spirit ones for hp cost. You can make it outside the battle or right in the middle of it. You can’t have more than 50 spirit cannonballs. Like Cannon Fist, this weapon can be used to sink ships, and different types of cannonballs have different effects on skills.

    Normal attack: the cannon charges a chosen cannonball for a second or two, and fires in wherever the user needs. Unlike normal cannons, this one works underwater.

    Block: the cannon uses Lance of Loyalty’s blocking animation (mid blocking power).

    Impulse jump: the cannon fires a cannonball right under the user, causing them to be lifted up. This move deals no damage and has slight knockback, but it can start dealing damage and have more knockback once turned on in settings, or it can get more uses, up to 5, with reload on touching the ground like Leap spell or Airstep technique.

    Ol’ trick: the cannon crushes a cannonball inside it, and shoots out a dust screen thay destroys projectiles. The screen is about 90°, and is created right in front of the user. The dust will float in the air for some seconds before disappearing.
    In settings of this skill you can change the angle of screen and its existing time.

    Soul cluster: the cannon fires a speedy cannonball lit in soul fire. After it lands, it explodes, sending 6 smaller cannonballs in random directions, with these landing also exploding into 4 tiny cannonballs. You can change the area where cannonballs will spread at, smaller means more hp drain, and change the amount of cannonballs after each split. Needs surface.

    Spirit storm: the cannon fires upward. Short after, a ton of cannonballs storm down on the selected area. The cannonballs are falling in four groups with 8 cannonballs in each, so by holding the key and moving the cursor you can make these four groups to fall in different places. You can alter cannonball spread and their height (higher - longer falling time, bigger damage). Needs surface.

    Ultimate art: Lost vessel: the cannon absorbs a ton of user’s hp to summon huge ghost ship sailing on the land and the sea. It does damage on a wide line starting from the user’s position. This ghost ship can be customised, so size, speed and damage of skill can be altered. Settings of this skill resemble shipyard menu, where you can choose type of the ship, hull, ram (if this ship type has it), and sails. You do not need to own any of types/hulls/rams/sails for this.

    1. Spirit anchor - “A light blue, opaque anchor that spent years underwater, and it is covered in seaweed, kelp and seashells. You can still hear the rattling of it’s now-missing chain. It floats up-in front of you, and does not need a ship anymore to be useful”.

    Normal attack: the anchor falls to the ground, causing it to tremble. All anchor moves cause major damage in the place where anchor hits, and minor damage around it in large area. Needs surface.

    Block: the anchor slams into the ground in front of the user (high blocking power).

    Abandoned coastline: the anchor slams the ground in selected area, causing multiple tremors. After their max range, they create a spirit sand shroud, that obscures vision. You can alter the number of tremors and thickness of shroud. Needs surface.

    Unsafe shallows: the anchor quickly moves in a straight line, damaging and knocking back anyone on its path. For extra hp cost, you can enable it returning to you, dealing damage second time. Knockback of this move can be replaced with a stun.

    Subnautical dangers: the anchor rises as a shield in front of the user, absorbing melee damage and destroying projectiles. After absorbing certain amount of damage or getting hit by bypassed projectile, the anchor swings itself, sending forward large whirlpool-like projectile. This projectile can pull in enemies if enabled in settings, and max damage absorbed is 8% of the user’s max hp, though can be changed from 5% to 10%. Can result into Parry.

    Depth monster: the anchor summons large translucent shark glowing in light blue light that bites the target and holds them for some seconds, then throws them nearby the user. The throw can be disabled for more damage, and grab time can be changed.

    Ultimate art: Ocean bottom (holdable skill): the anchor starts teleporting around in random locations, slamming the ground everytime it appears. This causes massive amount of tremors, but the user can’t more nor use anything while the move is active. If the user on the land, the anchor will only hit land, if at the sea, will only hit the sea. You can make the area of this skill smaller or bigger, and change tremors’ shape like Explosion spell.

    1. Spirit tome - “A medium-sized, floating tome with glowing pages covered in ancient runes. You sense multiple entities sealed inside it, and they will devastate anything when released”.

    Normal attack: the tome sends shapeless soul towards target, simular to bow’s arrow. These souls can ricochet once after hit, no matter was it missed or not.

    Block: the tome summons a protective spirit in front of the user (mid blocking power).

    Weird creatures: the tome summons three glowing spirit abominations that leap around, getting closer to the target after each leap. They jump on the target and explode, dealing damage. If hit, these creatures explode, dealing some damage around. You can change the amount of abominations, bigger amount means lower damage of a single creature but more damage overall, max is 10. Also, you choose will they split to chase different targets or focus on a single one.

    Protective entity: the tome summons one highly-armored glowing creature that runs around the user, blocking some attacks and destroying projectiles. It exists longer than move’s cooldown, so there can be two of them at the same time. You can change the distance between you and it in settings, and enable it to deal damage on contact.

    Soul assault (holdable skill): the tome summons up to 6 flying soul creatures that constantly shoot souls at targets. These souls slightly aim, and ricochet twice only if missed. The user can’t move while summoning, but can use other moves of tome. Flying creatures are fragile, and won’t survive even a single hit. You can choose will the creatures be summoned right above you or at your cursor, and change their overall amount, from 2 to 8.

    Spirit worm: the tome summons a giant, worm-shaped soul beneath the selected area that grabs and damages anyone around. After this, the worm digs back to strike again at new position selected, this time knocking away anyone with slight damage. After that, the move goes on cooldown. You alter the worm’s size and grab time.

    Ultimate art: Horde of dread: the tome summons multiple predatory creatures armed with sharp teeth and deadly claws. They ravage through the land and the sea, and there is no escape from them. They can run in the air and go through walls. You change their amount and are able to focus them on a single target or spread them to different targets.

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I had the reason to put my favourite class as Warden. I highly doubt any of you do even have strenght to read my complete spirit weapons idea

Okay, I write essays at times from my lore analysis but what the heck…??? Not even I can read all of that- :fearful:

I dare yall to make a copypasta from THAT

God’s weakest warden


Bro cooked too hard he destroyed the kitchen

People on their way to make essay-long headcannons once the topic splits:

He threw everything in the cupboard into the pot, doesn’t mean it’s good

some of this sounds randomly generated tbh

One of these days you’re going to type more words than that one Smash Bros. fan fiction that was supposedly the longest literary work in English.

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searched it up and HOLY SHIT 4061k+ WORDS OH MY GOD

Watch them be an alt of the guy that made chatGPT suggestions in reminders for ao

…that’s over four million words…

How do you even write that many

I get the feeling they’re a bit tired of all the spirit weapon suggestions

its literally 16,244 pages :sob:

“One of the longtime fans of the series and Nintendo as a whole decided to show his love and to help improve his English by writing a Fanfic”

Well i hope he improved his english

I didn’t take a bite in the meal he cooked

I wasn’t kicking ass before shouting all loud about my spirit weapons ideas

Chatgpt overheated from the cooking