Stop being a degenerate

what i mean is, if you change it to man in your head and it’s NOT weird, don’t fucking make it weird!!!

I won’t talk about what’s “weird” or not.

but the fact that these behaviors are common in this forum when someone posts art and then passes it as “funny” and “trolling” is concerning and should be addressed.

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I ain’t reading all dat

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Here you go bro, just read the post while having this in view so you can check it every 2 seconds


Soyjak exited

They should start issuing warnings for degen comments whether they’re a joke or not

Could work, though make sure that theyre the ones that seriously start crossing the line, or doing it too repetitively that it makes it… weird. Like, not banning it entirely or the mods would be seen as fun-killers, but only those that get seriously overboard

I think the problem is really in the way people think and what they think others would think. Some want to believe it’s normalized to make degenerate jokes, while in reality, it really isn’t meant to be nsfw unless you make it nsfw. All art posted on the Forums has to be sfw in the first place, so when making those comments you really are just going off of your own imagination.

It comes near to the fact that you have nobody to blame but yourself, and your lack of self control to see where to draw a line.

Personally haven’t really seen it myself, but it must be bad enough for someone to make a whole rant about it


The cause Megamind "No Bitches?" meme [3264x3264] : r/MemeRestoration

you came a long way, old friend

im proud of you


imagine making a bait topic to get people banned lmao

would clear out a lot of bad apples

acko makes another drawing of a cute girl and then takes off a mask revealing that they’re actually a federal agent when someone says “smash”


Finally, someone said it.
Although before I made my account, it was alright I guess, but unfortunately it gotten really repetitive and somewhat annoying. I mean I did semi made a dirty joke, but that made me look like a fool. So.

Gonna chuck my 2 cents into this machine despite having practically 0 wealth to my name at this point in the forums
It’s really scary how much gender matters on the internet now, and especially how art is handled. This type of thirsting over art you consider “sexy” is normalised on the internet now. Me, myself, just halfway through secondary school, legit joined the forums while I was underaged, am no longer affected by people acting completely wacky and characteristic with their horny and degenerate comments.
Whenever I find a community of actually sane human beings I treasure it, hence why I don’t bother with these forums anymore.
Yes this is another case of me ranting how the good old days of the forums were better, but simply it’s the truth.
Simply just Go into the Art Category. Look into the comments of any post. And you’ll see why.

Lastly, don’t even bother asking people to stop this behaviour, just get a moderator to sort them out.

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@fireinnerice we’re onto you boy :imp:

Before we get into this, I would like to tell you that I completely agree with your sentiment. People acting weird = bad

now for my hot take

Are people still posting about this topic? I’m fucking tired of people talking about degenerate posts in the art category, because news flash:


That’s an entirely different topic which discussed the same thing and which everyone agreed. (Granted you probably didn’t see this one since this topic and that topic are months apart and you might have missed it anyways.)

Almost everyone agrees that, yes, being a fucking degenerate is not funny, quirky, or cool. It is common sense. Basic human decency. Normal people (95% of the forums), understand that you should not scream, “AWOOGA” at the top of your lungs when you see an attractive woman.

And also, does it really matter? Does it affect you that much, that you have to explain to everyone that being part of the 5ish% of people that post weird comments under the art posts is weird? It doesn’t matter. The block button exists for a reason. You could always ask a moderator to get rid of the message if it’s too degenerate. Just because Mike, a 14 year old edgelord said “step on me” under a piece of art, doesn’t mean jack shit when 20 more people are simply telling you that your art is great.

We already know that acting like a degenerate is lame and boring. Stop telling everyone that, we already understand. It doesn’t even matter that much anyways. Still agree tho

Also telling someone that, “they should know their place.” makes you sound like a cartoon supervillain about to explain why your going to enslave the human race


Fr every time I see genuine good art and theres a female in the art i already know what im gonna see when I scroll down in the comments…
Not naming any names but please just keep those thoughts to yourself we dont need to see them.

Yeeaaah, when I saw this topic, I considered linking mine as well.
It just doesn’t fuckin’ work; we can’t punish these people
(or maybe TL3 can; thank you flagging, very cool)


i just gave up and dont even bother interacting with those posts at this point tbh

go in, like the arts, read like the first 10 comments

never, ever come back especially if the comments count goes beyond 30 because theres like 70%-80% its just degen/anti-degen posts