Storm of arrows as a unique move

the Thunderspear doesent have a unique ability, and thats on purpose.
Same applies to the Scimitars and Stormcaller.
They arent special enough to warrant having special skills, they are just weapons specifically made for Elius.

Stormcaller literally has a unique skill wym

…No it doesent.
It has the same skills as every other two bows ingame right now.
Mind you, those are the old and average quality ones, meaning they dont have more than 2 or 3 skills.

What are you talking about bro, it literally has a unique skill
Rain of arrows for normal bows, storm of arrows for Stormcaller

Its a slight name difference, its exactly indentical otherwise.
I dont consider it a unique skill, and i bet Vetex doesent either.

It’s not anything insanely unique sure, but to call it completely identical is insane
Also yes it is considered a “unique skill”

Heres the criteria for a skill to be unique:
It has to be something no other weapon can do.
Guess what?
Thats not unique in the slightest.

That’s not nearly at all what the criteria is
But sure you can fantasize all you want :+1:



  1. A unique thing; a thing unparalleled or sole of its kind.
  2. A thing without a like; something unequaled or unparalleled.


  1. Being without a like or equal; unmatched; unequaled; unparalleled; single in kind or excellence; sole.

Rain of Arrows - fire a barrage of arrows up, they rain down at the cursors location.
Storm of Arrows- fire a barrage of arrows up, they rain down at the cursors location.
Do you see what im getting at yet?
Or is your brain too tiny to comprehend?

The animation, exactly the same.
The use, exactly the same.
The effect,

You’ll be very disappointed when none of the weapons in the set get a “unique skill” by your definition then

We’re done here.
Even a newborn is smarter than you.

Keep coping

Rain of Arrows hits 3 times, Storm of Arrows hits 5 times.

I would hope that considering I’m a tester I’d know what I was talking about but whatever it :person_shrugging:

But an way to the point of this topic, almost entirely of what pristine said was wrong(sorry lmfao)
Rare tier weapons only have a couple things “unique” about them, 1 unique skill, or a status effect, or occasionally both(sunken sword)

The thing regarding boss weapons, according to what I’ve deciphered as a “pattern” from the 3 bosses that drop weapons, it seems as if only 1 weapon in a set of weapons that drops from a boss will have a “boss skill”, which also falls under the category of “unique skills”

To his point about sanguine, sanguine doesn’t have a unique skill, it just replaced anywhere thag “dagger” would’ve been normally. I.e sanguine storm = dagger storm, sanguine throw = dagger throw

The problem of weapons getting outclassed is going to be a persistent “issue” throughout the entire game, obviously you’ll go for the bette option

I apologize for the wall, but I’m almost done I swear

And now to actually buffing spear throw, we’re definitely gonna be doing that, we most likely won’t be giving it a unique skill or effect or anything, but idk maybe vetex will change his mind, and we are also aware that spear throw and piercing gale share a similar niche, which is also a problem with many other weapons, but you don’t see people complaining about that at all

Still barely different from Rain.

dawg you being a tester changes a grand total of zero things
storm isnt different enough from rain to justify it being called a unique skill, cope seethe and mald

You insulting me even though you are objectively wrong by how vetex made the game won’t change anything either :person_shrugging:

in that case, every skill ingame is a unique skill by that logic

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