Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Actually instakill everyone and ban them permanently if they don’t cover their ass in pumpkins, sit inside a corroding potion cauldron and put a skyfire bloom on their head because it is actually government alien superweapon that spreads 5G and turns you gay and gives you AIDS

add the suggestions from

Actually a good idea in some way

Make tier 8 walls cost 250k galleons each

Paid access

for the sake of making SkyRocket seem like a worse person

WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORSE :sob: (complete)

why is Pirate Hitler in “Public Hero” and not in “Public Enemy”

I had to make sacrifices to get that solution post

far out

anyway, add a gamepass to make all characters romance-able

Netzach in that photo is drunk not swooning smh fake pm fan

If pirate hitler were to be added, it would mean that we could kill him. Hence SkyRocket is obviously public hero #1. Or are you saying that killing hitler is bad? :face_with_monocle:

killing people is bad!
don’t kill him Samppa san, you’ll be just as bad as him! dattebayo!

Sorry… :broken_heart:

multiply the price of all types of clan structures by 5

So you wouldn’t kill hitler?? :angry:

That’s pure cap lmao, PvP is a tiny issue compared to the inexistant content currently, horrible optimization and projectile spam only PvE

Did you know I’m actually a time traveler and went back in time to kill hitler, got him in 1945 in some bunker.

PVP as a whole? Maybe.

Ganking? No. In fact, I’d argue it’s the single worst thing for the community of the game. You can’t really trust any player you meet if you’re not both of positive rep. Not when skilled players have several incentives to just kill you in the spot.

The final solution post

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