Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

This is the perfect time for a “Did I stutter?”

1 stud is down to your knees bro…

Add a dark sea tracker to track people in the dark sea

We dont need arms to cast spells

Added deckhands permadeath

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Make it so that when your deckhands die, you need to pay their families for their losses, and a funeral would soon occur and you got no choice but to attend it. You got no protection during the funeral and you cannot use any attacks so you would join the deckhand if there’s someone trying to hunt you


This, but for co-captains too. This would link back to my greatest suggestion:

During the cannoneer’s orders ability, your cannons can randomly backfire on you and deal damage to your ship.

During the enchanter’s charm ability, you lose 50% of your speed.

Navigator’s slipstream is bad enough already. Next.

Merchants and their shops sell items for doubled money due to being greedy.

Chefs can randomly burn themselves while they cook food and die, being lost from the crew forever.

Shipbuilder’s skill now suspends the ship in place while maintenance is active.

what do you mean navigators slipstream is bad? it can buff your speed by 20% at max level :sob:
if you have 100 speed thats an extra 20 speed for like 10 seconds, good for running and especially good when paired with ramming speed

It’s also good for when you only have 58 speed and could use a nice boost to keep up with other ships

players have a rare chance to drop their gear on kill similar to bosses

i’ve seen lots of people get navigator just to have 100% resilience already

100% resilience or close to 100% means it has no applications

It only makes your resilience 100% temporarily

your crew can no longer fish up fish beyond uncommon tier.

I am going to execute you. the speed boost is AMAZING (I invested all my stats into ship speed so this at level two is giving me +6 speed)

it isn’t about the resilience
it is about the +20% speed

You can go beyond the current max level, doing so requires you to kill players in PVP.

Have fun.

Destruction is permanent, meaning that you can now dig up entire islands and remove them from the map.

Yeah, and?

(trying to find a way to put it sfw… realizes there is no sfw way to put it…)