Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

what happens if you are that person though

Bring back the flinging glitch

It concludes that you have been doing too much pvp and not enough pve and summons the legendary beast atlantean on your ship

When you are in a party and die to a ghost, until the rest of your party dies or leaves the dark sea, you remain in the area the ghost killed you in, invisible, and capable of interacting withthe environment (aka, you can pick things up (without putting them in your inventory) and move them elsewhere. You can also throw the things you’ve picked up).

Players get the ship treatment.
Low health = Can’t run as fast, your agility gets heavily affected and using abilities hurt you the same way drawback works.

Also, stamina is drained the same way it worked on WoM, running takes stamina away.

And the most fun, dying leaves your corpse 10 seconds on the floor, allowing players to ACTUALLY loot you, not only galleons but take items from your inventory.


i remember writing a troll suggestion for power creep a while back, here it is pasted from that post

you cannot sprint, dash or high-jump while carrying cargo or sealed chests

simple one: you can withhunt anyone you want!

AO Dark Sea Exploration, but Complaining about Atlanteans in chat, or defeating Atlanteans spawns a legendary beast atlantean 5 studs behind you.
While in the Bronze Sea, a Lost Sailor spawns instead.

Complaining about Atlanteans while sailing in the dark sea spawns a Atlantean ship, it’s strenght scales equal to the dark sea range, but they also use a boat one range higher than the set limit.

Another funny one:Failing to parry a boss’s attack while fighting a boss makes you take damage equilvalment to 20 drawback.Apples to Kai and Merlot, too.

Sounds like a AO dream.

Being bounty hunted permanently erases your file

Thats a good idea actuall

only for heroes because villains just get jailed. executions should erase your file

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  • if you go too deep inside underwater caves on diving spots they collapse and you die, while also causing the rumble to attract (spawn) sea monsters to eat your ship as it takes 2 minutes to despawn.

  • getting captured by the bronze legion should force you to have a jailbreak quick time event

  • with 30,000+ negative renown and over 3 notoriety, grand navy ships should surround the island you’re on.

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The player and Edward Kenton have a falling-out if the player joins the Gravy or if they gain a 5,000+ bounty.

Edward is shown to object to needless murder of innocents and the GN after all, it only makes sense.

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Add more reductions to shadow magic



Iet him cook (female cook quality boost)

minor stat boosts such as increases to damage for every 100 players killed

female should gain brew/cooking level faster but everyone charges you 20% more
therefore asian woman for all profession boost