Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

ur objective was to burn down the kitchen not to cook a 5 star meal

“Oh you meant burn it down with bad cooking, rather than these proposed fire and plasma buffs”

this would be a great and balanced addition to the game (i am unbiased (i am not a fire user (trust me i am not (i do not main fire mage (with 0 agility)))))

You need to manually draw magic circles to use them.
If you’re hit while casting a spell, the magic circle becomes damaged and you have to fix it.
If you try to cast a spell with a broken or badly drawn circle, it just explodes in your face.
Intricate circle designs get stat bonuses.

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this would be cool but it’s a bit t o o unique for a base magic, plus would make fire much more powerful to the point that shadow magic is more diverse

Me drawing an entire tapestry depicting the entire life of my opponent while also depicting me killing them while I wait for them to round the corner and get hit with the 300000 damage blast

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Honestly, in a game off roblox that’d be a pretty cool system

time for the part where its macro’d

A macro could never replicate the level of detail

There will be a sameria npc who will teach you the bomb fighting style

damage 1000000000000x
size 10000000000x
speed 1000000000x

bombs will go through block and will destroy an island when tirggered

Bro, that’s literally just Vetex’s magic.

thermo heat gain is reduced by 90% while out of combat

You can trip over small rocks on the floor

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If you lose a fight against another player you have to apologize to them for being so garbage and daring to play on the same server as them or else you’ll get banned

you can only access the settings menu if you reach 60 fps

Well since I can do that…

if you want to go to the Dark sea you must send Vetex a picture of you being emo

Add a weapon that removes stat points from your opponent

Re add the ability to make interchange potions non drinkable, but make them forcibly reset everyone’s stat points. You hit someone with a gel and suddenly they can’t use any of their abilities until they open a menu and re add them all (only for you to hit them again)

add an upgrade that can be applied to ships, caravels and above

it would turn them into skyships, with significantly less durability (-10,000 hp), but gives them the ability to fly like a skyship. they can drop a huge bomb every 30 seconds, which does 500 damage and has massive attack destruction and AOE

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