Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

also you have to buy a gamepass that will cost, lets say 1000 robux, to be able to learn this style

or or OR
we could also have a gamepass that will allow you to have this style replacing basic combat when creating a new file

there could be some kind of item that would let you instantly learn this style with max mastery
tho considering other ideas it might be kinda useless

k I think I should stop there

any heat magic will turn into steam underwater

e.x. using magma blast underwater will make an obsidian projectile instead with earth’s stats, fire/plasma/flare/etc/etc will turn into steam projectiles

vetex specifically will want me dead for this because he absolutely despises heat magics

this would get 5 on all 3 categories (i am a heat magic user)

If feels like a lot of these suggestions as of late haven’t been “Public Enemy Number One” material. Including some of my own. We need to make suggestions great again—start thinking of some of the most abhorrent garbage you’ve ever imagined.

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Diving spots no longer have bubbles above them to signify their location.

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guys what about a new item for warlords called a javelin?

It could be a consumable like potions and far ranged

You have to actually know how to use spells to cast them. Don’t know how to cast explosion irl? Too bad.

add pirate notoriety which cannot be cleared and builds up by killing pirates, can build up on both sides and scales just like gravy notoriety

This twisted game needs to be reset then. I’m going to start over from scratch, that’s what this reply is for.

  1. Drowning now no longer causes you to take damage as soon as your air meter hits 0. Rather, you go unconscious and then slowly begin to drown. You cannot reset when you pass out, and you have to wait 2 minutes to fully drown, or someone has to drag you up. Even if someone drags you up, they have to play a CPR minigame in order to save you, otherwise you die anyways.

  2. Calvus’s “airstrike” spell (500! 500! 500!) is replaced with a TPK version that will wipe the ENTIRE room, and it acts as a timer to get him into the second phase. Failing to do so will make everybody in the room take 4,500 damage in an instant. The timer is approximately 4 minutes. He can cast other skills and move around still while casting this, btw

Critical hits.

are fair and balanced

Actually I think people would like that one, you should put it in suggestions

The amount of damage you do per hit is a random number within a range, it starts at one and the highest range can be increased by your power. For example a blast at highest potential could do 300 dmg but could also just hit anywhere between 1-300. Every possible damage has an equal chance of hitting.

I actually don’t hate this.

Each island is now a separate place, and is now much closer to it’s canonical size
Cities now have dynamic npcs which offer quests and sleep during the night. Day and night cycles are now accurate to real life, and based on the date that you’re supposed to visit the island in the story.

not charging your attacks lowers your attack damage and size by 40%, and has a 50% chance of your attack not casting properly, resulting in an explosion which deals a percentage of your health.

You now have to eat various different foods, otherwise you get vitamin/mineral deficiencies, which decrease health regen, energy regen and stamina regen. If your deficiencies get bad enough, you begin to take damage.

When a player dies, all their money will stay on their dead body, which won’t despawn unless someone buries the body using a shovel. If the body hasn’t despawned after 5 ingame days, it will spawn a ghost variant of the player with 1.35x the level and begin to attack players at random.

Complete rework for sanity and insanity
The player now has a sanity meter displayed on the screen. The player’s sanity level can increase when you’re out in nature on a sunny day, when you’re eating nice food, when you’re doing quests for npcs or being around other players without being in combat.

The player’s sanity bar decreases if the player kills someone, if they eat bad food/repeatedly eats one type of food, when the player is wearing atlantean armour pieces, when the player drinks certain potions, when the player is in the dark or rain and when the player takes a large amount of damage. Fishing for short periods of time without a break will cause your sanity to go up, fishing for long periods of time without a break will cause it to go down.

Low sanity will cause the player to start to hallucinate. The less sanity the player has, the more vivid the hallucinations get. After a certain threshold, the hallucinations will begin to attack the player.

If the player has high sanity, they will get a bonus called “happiness” which increases stamina regen and increases your luck by one stage.


make insanity playable somehow

like your hallucinations are actually sorta real magical manifestations of your mental illness and as they try to attack you they can hit other people in the crossfire like ghosts

Once again Typo,
Your goal was to burn the kitchen down and poison the water in the pot, not cook a pretty decent meal.

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Damn I keep forgetting the purpose of this thread lol

most of my bad ideas are just immature roblox sex/poop update things :sob:

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Unless you have at least 3k health Julian will actually kill you when he crashes into you causing you to reload to before you beat Carina, instead of taking you to the prison.

Add rizz as a armor stat it reduces damage taken by enemies and make them take love tier 5 when they hit you ANY ARMOR MODIFIERS WILL DECREASE RIZZ and with 100 rizz you can have exclusive interactions with npcs by Rizzing them up