Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Hit scan light magic

Found this on the subreddit

Would unironcally like this idea, just with most things being unlocked from the start. (Anything not related to spoiler lore)

Problem being the AO character has a background built in they are not a blank slate


it would be cool but there would need to be a new story segment to get to frostmill added to each one that also told you everything you need to know about the story at the same time

All seas should be in the same server.

Assassin Syndicate players get something similar to Voidwalkers (deepwoken & rogue lineage thing), where they can teleport to any bronze sea island to hunt anyone. Also, if they are out of combat, backstab m1’ing a player with a dagger will instantly kill them.

Grand Navy members instead are actually enrolled in the navy, and have to do navy services for the entirety of the in game day, such as:

  • Stand guard in Silverhold
  • Stand on a random wild island on an npc bounty/contract spawn
  • Patrol on a navy ship, where you also stand guard for most of the day (you do not get to be the captain most of the time)
  • Repair damaged navy boats, which will start showing up at Silverhold
  • At low ranks, you have to do navy training for 70 ingame days. This involves doing the pushup emote and the handstand emote.
  • All navy players have to return to Silverhold at night and do the sleep emote for the entirety of the ingame night, until woken up

If the player doesn’t follow navy orders, such as not arriving on time or going out of line/attacking without permission or talking, they will be punished by forced pushups. This will drain stamina and can lead to losing hp. If the player does not follow orders too many times, they instantly get demoted a rank by losing enough renown to go to the floor of the rank. This can lead to the player getting fired from the navy, where their save file is banned from joining ever again.

The player cannot do anything outside of training and sleeping for the first 70 days of joining. Afterwards, they may (rarely) be deployed to fight a random criminal based on their rank and the criminals rank, which is the only way to climb the ranks of the navy. However, the renown gain is split between the multitude of other npc’s you will fight along with.

uh oh did i necro

When you fight Calvus your build suddenly switches from what you currently have to the complete opposite.

So Mages become Berserkers, Conjurers become Juggernauts, Warlords become Paladins, and savants just can’t use any moves because fuck savants.

Your build resets to what you had prior to the fight when you fight Revon, cos you’ll actually need your build to beat him.

Getting hit by waves in the dark sea washes random cargo and chests off of your ship


To brew potions, you need to manually stir the pot for several minutes.

Another one: Using a love potion on another player will turn their character into an npc that follows you around until the effect wears off. The other player is forced into first person and can’t type anything.


Remove rams

The chance and number of atlantean ships spawning near to you is DIRECTLY proportional to the number of ds chests you have.

Sungrave route :skull:



Morale uptown a crew member, co-captain, or party member dying. Morale would effectively reduce all of your stats, and can stack up to 4 times.

Or have melee parrying apply a proper stun.

Crafting system with scrap which allows you to craft the most broken melees and guns in the game.

You are the fucking winner of this thread.
Jesus christ.


you have to pay your deckhands a certain hourly wage of galleons :money_mouth_face:

sometimes one of your deckhands will feel like they are putting in extra work, and will ask for a raise

if you fail to accommodate their wages, your deckhand(s) will become unhappy.

deckhands can become happy again if you gift them items

if too much time passes before they are won back over, they will permanently leave your crew and also steal 10% of your total galleons

(quartermasters are excluded from this, they are loyal)

(Regular)Energy Bar

The lower this is, the slower you get and the weaker your attacks are. There’s also a blur effect which will increase in intensity the lower this stat is. Also, there’s a random chance of you falling asleep randomly. this chance is increased when in combat.

The way to increase this is to sleep in inns(you need to pay for each night), houses(if you get caught, your notoriety will increase by 1 and some grand navy soldiers will be sent after you) and outdoors(less energy yield and much more vulnerable). During sleep, you cant move or see and anyone can attack you at any time.

good luck.