Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

remove boats and force players to swim


Potions of slowness emulate slow internet speed, resulting in the target having 3-4 seconds of delay after they try any input.


Rework Sunken armour stats

We need a full-stop rework of Armor Stats. They’re going to pose an issue in literally every expansion update if we don’t.

Make every island be able to be destroyed like how vetex did with ravenna! He would just need to make some changes on the magic destruction stat…

They are, it’s just that Vetex didn’t destroyed other islands (except Mount Othrys)

I think islands are already destructible, they just need an extremely big amounts of destruction power, something that is atleast Cataclysm magic-level of destruction.
Maybe it’s possible with a certain build at a high level? who knows, maybe in 10 years.

I think this is where attack destruction gems comes into play

Warrior 2nd awakening lets them freely swap between any weapon mid combat


  1. PVP is turned off, completely. No more PVP. You can’t harm anyone.

  2. Dying in the Dark Sea means permadeath

  3. As a criminal, you will have 3 fortified navy brigs with level 250 captains spawn every 5 minutes.

  4. Fortified pirate brigs will spawn in massive numbers around the Bronze Sea, replacing all sailboat/caravel/ketch type enemies.

  5. Every time your ship sinks you need to buy a new one. No more respawns. If your brig sinks, well, have fun sinking 20k into a new one.

  6. Cargo runs now have a chance of not giving you any galleons if enough players sell cargo to the same shipwright. You wanna sell things to the Redwake shipwright?
    “Sorry man, too much cargo. We’re losing money,” says the shipwright, before buying your cargo for 1 galleon each.

  7. Everyone’s seasonals and sunkens are wiped

  8. If you combat log even by accident you lose all your galleons and gear and get unceremoniously reset to level 1 and have to grind the story all over again

  9. Hunger now drains at 20 points a minute trololololololo keep eating

  10. Every fish caught rots within 10 seconds so good luck getting to the cooking pot in time

this isn’t even funny because its so over the top that I can’t even cringe for this but the permadeath sounds like genuine hell incarnate

Yeah… Zeus would have a field day! Perhaps my simple idea would be to make ancient lightning in the dark sea target you more! It wont cause limb loss, but you just take damage.

Cargo and sealed chests can get swept off your ship in rough waters or if you get hit by a wave

Everyone is forced to be a savant

as well as have at least 25% into vitality

Also any one stat is not allowed to be a multiple of 10

Prom Acrimony deletes all you progress and items, and starts you at the beginning of the story.


80v/85s/85w savants eating good

they wanted a stat reset and shouldve considered what kind

81v, 84s, 85w you mean

mb, 79v/86s/85w