Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Story now has a time lock, you will need to wait to do story quests or pay
Grand navy players have now the broken overpowered stupid jailbreak handcuffs
You get knocked when you reach 0 hp and can be carried by other players

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Make guns have a separate stat
Fuck yo stupid warrior builds


thats just what sealed chests are

I guess so.

What I mean though is more along the lines of literally buy with robux crates that contain random loot, including losts and ancient magic scrolls.

delete sealed chests. ships now give cargo (but if theyre a pirate or assassin ship, it gives the same amount as a stolen one)
you have to buy sealed chests with robux and its the only way to get new ship parts
you can buy luck boosters that increase the chance of rare items from them

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Make it so that you can only level up by killing other players

ability to join love odyssey and church of iris manually in game

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imagine the boat is filled with other iris worshippers
and then at the one part where you escape ravenna via boat, they’re just all losing it

reset all stats and items when the game gets out of early access


But wait, you need to be level 50 to PVP-

here’s a dumb feature that would be funny for 5 min:

the ability to use some rope to tie up players, these players cannot move and instead ragdoll around and have to be carried. they are untied when m1d by a bladed weapon


Great example:
(Yes that’s correct if you read the link)


Amazing idea

Yeah that’s the point lmao

Allow lowering you power slider (when added) to indefinitely increase your sensing limit to where not even stealth can hide from it.

Allow infamy to be gained from general player kills

Removing the hunt cooldown

Resetting infamy every month so #1 is reachable more than once.

When hunting a player solo and putting them into combat, their dash is slowed by 50% to prevent running. Keyword: solo

Allow magic sensing to give a magic scan of their body when nearby (dawn island distance)

Bounty resets every week to make obtaining the four emperor spot more obtainable.

You may now yell. Trust me. I deserve it.


Let him cook.

Every time you level up you pay 15 bucks just to keep playing, however the money goes to the Chinese government instead and the game is just Chinese Spyware.

No more spawn protection time


Its a cool one