Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

You know what fuck it, 77v, 86s, 87w


savants must have stats that end in multiples of 5

Ok thats painful XD

better yet they must end in multiples of 5 but not 10

And also arbitrarily not 7 either

All npcs become capable of imbuement

delete all legendary scales from people inventories maybe.,

delete all luck potions from player inventories too

attack speed is reduced by an overall 25%

fuck over almost every build with extensive nerfs, wipe legendary scales and luck potions for an arbitrary and petty reason…

“uhhhh whos gonna tell em”
-the people that are going to be r/woooosh-ed

the old anti wallbang mechanic that was used with atlanteans will be reintroduced for all player pvp. fighting ontop of brigs will essentially result in a draw

While Vetex is needing every stat into the ground, he should also consider buffing the max HP of all enemies. The game’s still way too easy IMHO.

Yeah a 5x boost in all enemy health and automatic parrying on top of that would be needed too

They already have this (mainly bosses - Argos…)
If this gets added to every NPC I will fucking STRANGL-

Cant wait for every single npc in vimir sea to have dodge reflex and awakening if not 2

I love Argos fight when he parries my multi blast whilst I’m mid air and I get parry stun in the air somehow multiple times in a row

Instead of the current soundtrack, you can’t turn off the music as it plays “Jake and the Neverland Pirates” theme song on maximum volume.

The most random song choice ever :rofl: