Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Add races that affect stats. For example, Elves have much higher magic damage than everyone else.

The catch? Your race is rolled once you join the game, and will persist for every save file you create (If you roll a Dwarf, then every save file you make will be a dwarf)

The only way to change your race is, of course, by using an unfair gacha system that costs ludicrous amounts of Robux to roll even once.

Bro has gpo flashbacks

There is also a super powerful race you can be thats way stronger than the others, but only one person can have - oh wait, thats Cataclysm…

Nah cataclysm is still possible to beat trought

This reminds me of something

Before turning your ship, you have to indicate by turning one of your ship’s lights on and off repeatedly in the direction you are intending to turn. If you don’t do this, you instantly gain 5 star notoriety.


Basically have ship traffic laws

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What if I drive a BMW ship? (They don’t install turning lights on them)

Next is speed limit make the bronze sea have a 60 speed limit so if you don’t go at 60 speed then you get 5 star noteriety

You now have to code all your moves yourself, while keeping them balanced according to rules that are not told to you.

I’m pretty sure that a game does that

Add a boombox item that is heard across the entire server

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If you don’t use it it will occasionally play the first few seconds of It’s raining tacos just to scare everyone

Also add a game pass called “mute boomboxes” for 500 Robux. You can’t mute them without it.

Also, you can buy the “Force Unmute Boomboxes” gamepass for 1000 robux. This will make it so that everyone on your server is forced to hear your music for twenty minutes. You can buy this product multiple times.

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On the addition of boomboxes, make them have an ultimate art that unanchors the MAP AND PLAY the obnoxious music…

this did not age well

yearly updates

I might get killled by the balance team, pvp community, VertexGrains and Prometheus for this but :
Let people play the game