Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Additionally, Arcane Odyssey’s ship controls are replaced with Deepwoken’s.

They’re not bad. I don’t think most players would like them, though.

Give the bosses obnoxious mocking lines when you lose to them.

For example:


  • “Perish into ash, Ravenna scum!”
  • “Play with fire and you get burned. Play with me and you get dusted.”


  • “I promised you would not leave this island. I do not break my oaths, not to the order, not to any.”
  • “Haha! You could not compare to my power! That is what the order’s training grants me.”


  • “Hmph, I strained more to crush ants under my boots.”
  • “Men, take this one to the cells, get whatever… delay that order, they’re already dead.”


  • “MAHAHA! Dominated, you pathetic weakling! Taste my boots!”
  • “Grawhaha! Did my brother actually lose to you, or did he try and spare you out of pity? I won’t make the same mistake!”


  • “Like the worm that you are, you crawn onto my righteous path and are crushed.”
  • “The mines were too kind a fate for you. This time I won’t even grant you that mercy.”
  • “And so the Order prevails. I pity you, not able to see the new dawn of magic.”

these ones are actually good

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Calvus can’t be stopped when charging his nukes

Elius recovers to full health when entering phase 2

Iris has a phase 2 where she also recovers to full health, the moves just get stat bloated

Shura gets level 125 AI

Carina spams m1s and has thermofist permanently at maximum

Argos has his cooldowns back to its former glory (and they look more like Hoorah Loux)

Alpha has 200 knockback

I swear half my posts on this thread just evolve into halfway decent ideas.

Maybe I should make this one into a suggestion.

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fax my brother, spit your shit indeed!!

Get the suggestions role bro this shit ain’t obnoxious
wait you might already have it nvm

I’ve had it for a bit. My first two suggestions were eh, though, and I haven’t used it since.

i thought my first two were pretty good but fate decided that they were too good for this world and they ended up being closed with only like 20 votes

Only gut one build each update but the catch is that the balance team spins a wheel for it and if they get either warden or the same build they nerfed last time, they draw again this time twice. (Build that recently got gutted does not have any protection the second time)

And the guts stack, have fun dealing 26 damage at level 500

Add a gamepass for cataclysm magic

that sounds sick ngl i wouldn’t mind having that

Your characters have genders based on their name and if you talk to someone of the opposite gender, you have the choice to rizz them.

If you rizz them, you get free galleons, and sometimes even an extra deckhand. If you fail to rizz them, you instantly die. Some of these dialog options will also be very cringey as well.

i like the parts when u level up by talking to iris, literally leveling up bc i interacted with a woman


Can’t believe Iris got a part in an upcoming marvel movie


The last one goes hard as fuck

*Any gender.

Reminder: Edward Kenton.

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If your character reaches any age above 61+ there will be a chance your character gains insanity permanently everytime you join the game, the chance getting higher every time you age.
Once your character gains insanity you wont be able to nullify the effects with warding gear/potions.
The effects of insanity are gonna be the same as they were when you entered the dark sea prior to the dark sea update.
The only way to get rid of insanity is by getting another player to somministrate you a potion made with a rare reagent that will only be obtainable once the game story is officially done and can only be obtained by finding it in the epicenter with a 1/30,000 chance.
The effects of the potion will be temporary to mimic the schizoprenia pills in real life.
This is made so that reaching old age will feel more accurate to real life.

okie dokie I’m back and will now burn down the kitchen

The v.1.15 Update

  • Permadeath is now enabled. Dying to a player or NPC will erase everything on your file and you will have to make a new one.

  • Combat Logging now has zero consequences.

  • Every build has been nerfed to the point of being unusable for even PVE.

  • Fortified brigs now replace AI sailboats and caravels and ketches universally.

  • In reference to permadeath, you also have a small chance to drop dead at any time due to a thing called a “heart attack” “stroke” or “aneurysm”.

  • Iris, Edward, Enizor, Carina, Revon and all other characters are now romanceable with a certain six hour cutscene special.

  • Global messages are now free-to-send and have somehow bypassed every single filter/moderation feature in Roblox. Players now can say the most devious stuff and even the N Wor-

  • You now have to roll ethnicity when creating a character. The current races are: Ravennan (common), Samerian (common), Sky islander (uncommon), and Winterveilians (ultra-rare). You also can’t edit your character’s appearance and have a randomly assigned appearance upon spawning.

  • You can buy Sea Curses for just 2,000 robux and absolutely pay to win the entire server.

  • Sunkens have a 50% chance of just being fake iron armour and give no stat boosts at all.

  • The PVP level is now 10. This means max levels are able to annihilate level 10 players at Redwake.

ravennan: no drawbacks
samerian: you have to wear the headdress the thermo mentor wears
sky islander: you’re racist so you get bonus dialogue options to initiate a fight with certain npcs, they will gain a power boost out of rage. also you get -20% in all stats, skill issue for being confined on a small island your whole life
winterveilli: you get permanent notoriety where overpowered ravennan ships are sent after you every 2 minutes

with this new feature the game will truly become immersive