Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Maybe for clan minigames

correct that was literally made to be buster call but then 3,000,000 times worse


Gear will now have varying rarities common being the least amount and legendary being the highest amount

Make it so NPCs can use surge

maybe something like the etris siege on your claimed island by a kingdom you have negative rep with (kingdom rep would be calculated by averaging your alignment with all its towns, with the mainland counting for triple) which would give good loot but you would have the potential to lose infamy if you couldnt fend it off properly. the loot would be determined by the kingdom who raids you, which would be determined by the sea you’re in. you could be raided as follows:
bronze sea - ravenna
nimbus sea - sameria, ravenna, keraxe
aegean (3rd) sea - keraxe + others, this and further are tbd
potentially when you fend off a raid a serverwide message could appear:
(player) has fended off a raid from the (kingdom name)! for example if i were to beat a raid from ravenna,
fartman1314 has fended off a raid from the Ravenna Realm!

tldr; something like the etris siege from deepwoken on your islands from kingdoms you have negative rep with, giving different loot based off the kingdom who raids you

third sea’s vimir not aegean… but good idea, I’ve always wondered what a siege in ao would feel like

mb i forogt :sob:

Now introducing the latest feature update to Insanity: Schizophrenia!

Bored of normal gameplay? Tired of the constant loop and grind? Want to add some variety to your time playing the game? Well look no further than our latest update to the Insanity system!

Now you can experience how it truly feels to go insane, including; seeing people and things that aren’t really there, abruptly seizing and losing control of your movements as you have a mental breakdown, and suddenly screaming at the top of your lungs at the voices, trying to shut them up.

Learn what paranoia truly means as the shadow figures stand just in the corner of your vision, taunting you with their very presence, but never letting you look straight at them. Succumb to anxiety as the phantoms walk among the people around you, always laughing at you as you pass but never showing themselves to you. Lose your sense of self as the voices consume your very mind, and you can never be sure whether you came to a decision on your own or if it was forced on you by one of them.

All this and so much more in the Schizophrenia update, where the only thing to truly fear is the horrors of your own mind!

And remember: Your thoughts are not your own. You’ve stared into the abyss too long. It didn’t just stare back. It reached out. It grabbed you. And it hasn’t let go.


randomly a player using an attack can popup in the chat, along with a mirage of that attack being fired at you. the player would be a villain with the chance of being a hero if the victim is a villain

paralysis effect my beloved :blush:


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skills for guns don’t come as notes but attachments. they do the same thing but they look like tactical gear on your 1800s gun

bosses now ragdolled after defeat instead of vaporized

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I have 141 I burnt the kitchen

whenever a player says “Nah, I’d win.” and gets killed by a sharp weapon, or later slice magic, the player in question should get bisected

Whenever a player makes a jjk reference they get fucking banned



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overhauls AO combat to be turn a turn based card game like Heartstone

Throughout the war seas, I alone am the brainrotted one.

you should be forced to spare elius and get the merciful trait
if you ever get onto the leaderboard it should permanently be changed to ruthless on all your files

When you are one the leaderboard you get this status effect called smelly and npcs (Including shopowners) will now run away from you and you do damage to players nearby no matter if they are allies or good reps

Status effect will last till player is off leaderboard

Holy guacamole, man, I think you’ve won the post.
Now, how do you become schizophrenic?

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