Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Spread out the islands in Nimbus sea even more this should make sailing more immersive :hugs:


increase the distance between all islands by 3x to make the game more lore accurate. also remove acrimonies and you invest stat points by using the thing associated with it (to invest magic you have to use magic to beat enemies. you cannot lock or choose to uninvest stats)

Well, this suggestion has certainly aged well

It aged like fine wine

I’d were gonna go for lore accuracy, also dramatically increase the size of all islands.

Don’t actually fill them with content, just make them bigger.

Dramatically increase the size of one part so that the island technically counts as lore accurate size.

dramatically increase the size of mount caesar

I actually, honestly, wouldn’t hate this idea

empty map syndrome is a very real illness most games in robloxia suffer from! you can help spread awareness by re x ing on your social media or whatever the kids do these days

Yes, however, it is “realistic”

it would be incredibly boring to explore a bunch of empty nothingburger islands though. part of the reason it’s in this thread

Good idea: For a few days every month, mentioning Vetex in-game autokills you, while mentioning Tech gives you a Power boost for 2 minutes.

I feel like Tech gets put to the side way too much when discussing AO, so this would (hopefully) fix that.

Yes, I understand it’s a bad idea.

Adding on to this add a mini game that will turn the sails toward or away from the wind this will make sailing in the game more immersive and if you turn your sail away from the wind by 1 degree the ship will be 99% slower (This happens every 5 seconds when you are sailing)

add noses

Make campfires have effects like higher passive healing and stamina regen buffs when in range


Randomize enemies to make them more interesting, we’re talking changing their level by up to 200% of their base level, random magics, weapons, fighting styles, spirit weapons, imbuements, but also random equipment, it can be anything, and all of it can be dropped, it can also be enchanted, modified and bejeweled, maybe even let them use potions
Just imagine the chaos
Jaw pirates, frost brigands etc. becoming so overlevelled that low levels rage quit
People grind bosses like Argos for drops, end up getting a red tropical jacket, merchant pants and old dagger
Maximum size king Calvus just destroying the entire Rubica with an Aether pillar
Value of sunkens flopping because people found ways to farm enemies, getting sunkens much more easily
Players losing dozens of hard-earned sealed chests because some lvl 5 ship captain threw a perfect supernova gale potion into the ocean
This would cause complete chaos in AO, it would be an interesting April fools update (but the economy would snap like a twig)

make it so Warlocks can imbue both ways like paladins can, multiplying their magic stats by their strength stats.
Conjurers kinda are getting the same thing with arcanium weapons

weapon now have mastery like fightstyle

all the weapon’s skills now locked when first obtain. In order to unlocked them is to keep using them until all the skill unlocked. and disarm weapon now required maximum mastery.