Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

both have a chance, and its guaranteed if you do both

imagine you’re choking and the only player next to you is your bounty hunter :sob:

“i have an idea! what if i eat this massive golden colossal squid buffet while running away from my hunter to get recovery 5”
“choking? wtf”
fartman1314 was killed by NimbleNumble

You know how a user by the name of Acko once planned to make a dating sim?

Just up and import that into the game. Oh, and players get actual boosts from dating certain characters.

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Arcanewoken, makes the game betta fr.

This brings back bad memories

Ah damn, well. I don’t want to go off-topic. If only there was suitable topic.

you now have to do black magic inputs for skills

rarer skills require more difficult input combinations to use

blat would be like RF but something like pulsar would be ERFCVH

We fight Wotan at our current level. He has 2 million HP and deals 100K damage per attack. Every time we lose, we get a 10 minute cutscene which cannot be skipped. It starts over when you try to rejoin. This consists of Wotan brutally slaughtering our friends and turning Sameria into a parking lot before killing us: 2 minutes of darkness before we hear Poseidon, voiced by Chris Pratt, tell us ‘you just have to block parry dodge you fucking n—ga’ (with a hard r) and a 3 minute revival scene at a prison which has a randomized path to venture through to escape to Wotan’s boss fight, which is completely closed off and unescapable.

Me omw to date wotan to solve the war (he’s just a misunderstood tsundere and his genocidal imperialism is just his way of showing love)

Me on my way to eat 15 pregnancies worth of food with zero consequences

Remove PvP level cap and allow bounty posters to give your live location also an entire update solely dedicated to PvPing.

Armor durability:
Armor durability is a stat determined by the level of the armor, multiplied by 10. It has a very simple function: Every point of damage the player recieved while wearing it would take away one durability from the armor.
Armor can be repaired at any blacksmith. Each point of durability costs 20 galleons to repair, so, for instance, 100 durability, a.k.a. level 10 armour would take 2,000 galleons to fully repair. In reality, it would be irrepairable, but more on that later.
That is not all, however. The armor’s stats also get lowered the more the armor is broken, including jewels, modifiers and enchantments. Amount of durability needed to reduce a stat by 1 point is calculated with the formula:
As such, a level 10 armor with 10 power would take 10 durability to lose one power.
The less durability the armor has, the more damaged it looks, with more cracks appearing. Alongside giving less stats, upon losing all durability, the armor will completely break. This will give a corresponding broken armor item that can be sold for 5 galleons. Armor cannot be repaired afterwards and jewels are lost.
This feature serves as a way to encourage the player to keep as many viable alternatives to their armor as possible, instead of building their armor once, then never changing it again.

Yeah I think this is a truly horrible one.

Mr. Hippo from UCN

This was unironcally a suggestion.

i would LOVE this :heart_eyes:

And we all know Vetex won’t ever do this

If you aren’t the same age as your character you can’t play

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So you know how rivals are too easy for most of the playerbase? I think their level cap should be raised a bit—maybe by about 30 or so. Also, give them access to developmental lost / ancient spells and techniques. This would serve as an early showcase of what is to come for players willing to put in the effort of fighting them.

No just do that to my rival specifically, he deserves to be the strongest one