Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

Mine’s Horne

If someone of the same renown hurts someone in your party, renown sheild should temporarily disable


Remove vanity (this post is the beginning of my villain arc).

Remove attack speed.


Fishing has a 1/1000 chance to catch a white eyes, spawning one directly infront of you, instantly killing you
luck boosts this chance

This just is a good idea tbh

No, it’ll just make gang ganks more viable again. This is a terrible idea—exactly the intent of this thread.

?? isn’t this a solution to fame players not being able to friendly fire eachother in parties or am i just tripping

Ok, what if I’m playing with a friend with less than like 20 hours on a file and they happen to get jumped for no reason and there is nothing I can do but watch

I’d say that’s a separate issue of max levels being able to fight people that aren’t max level. I feel that for every time we have this scenario happen, we’ll get three instances of players using this to team up for ganks.

And said issue will only get worse as the level cap increases, yippee!

I have said it so many times, and I’ll say it again: half this game’s problems would vanish if we just scrapped open-world PVP for a consensual duels system and arena fights. The most toxic part of the playerbase would be gone, we’d feel better about bringing friends to the game, and balancing would be much easier as the team would be primarily concerned with PVE.


To this day I still have no clue why vetex was adamant on having open-world PvP in a game centered around PvE. Its mere addition has been a detriment to the game’s community and its balancing.

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Think Vetex stated that it’s because doing so makes the game appeal to kids who like to gank and whatnot. Personally, I disagree—most kids on Roblox are NOT perfecting Arcane Odyssey’s combat. The system isn’t half as advanced as the PVP playerbase thinks, but it’s not simple, either. I’d speculate that more kids are actually deterred by the PVP than encouraged by it.

Basically, he said that PvP is the only way to retain players after they’ve completed everything in the current update. But as you stated PvP has both a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling, something that wouldn’t appeal to most kids on roblox.

Your ship can get barnacles, slowing it down until cleaned. You need to talk to a shipwright and the cost is proportional to the amount of barnacles and max ship health

I haven’t done anything to deserve it being proportional to max ship health

Add back the other chest models like the bag and crate, but keep loot pools the same as they are now


when you try to interact to a positive rep npc with negative renown, they take out a musket from under their stall, and all of the nearby npc’s aggro on you, while also calling a grand navy batallion to your current location

Adding onto this, a single use suicide vest chestplate that, when you take any damage or press a key instakills you and everything nearby, removing the NPCs, buildings and terrain

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