Suggest a new feature for the game that will instantly make you Public Enemy #1

What if—in the spirit of the Olympics—there was an actual PVE competition event-

Wait, hang on, this sounds good. Gotta make it bad.

Do the above but you have to compete without gear just like in the actual Greek Olympics.

Put a 1 year old in charge of balance team

Buddy, this is for bad suggestions
I think a 1 year old would still prove more competent than much of the balance team

A two year old on the other hand, would be worse than the balance team

add rolling for scroll pieces for 5000 galleons or 50 robux
you craft lost/ancient scrolls with them and the pieces you can get rotate every 12 hours

(ive been playing aut the boredom hurts someone help)

Ability to buy drops with robux once you kill the enemy for the first time
Normal enemy drops are 10 robux, boss drops are 50 robux, normal weapons are 25 robux and special weapons (special status effect, boss drops, rare find) are 100 robux
Helps make the game easier and relieves the players of grinding

me buying 8 sunken swords for 800 robux

When you die, you have a 5% to get sent to Tartarus and you’ll have to find a way out, and if you die again, your character gets wiped. You can also find unique OP items there that you can abuse if you manage to escape.

Get rid of ships and the only way to traverse the seas is by swimming


Yeah I can handle that, I swam from the insanity 1 range of the dark sea all the way out

We love gambling.
:slot_machine: :slot_machine: :slot_machine:

From now on attacks need to be typed in chat to be used, so you will need to type “Flash strike” to actually cast flash strike.

Keyboard warriors needed a buff in a very long time and this is the time to make things right

Additionally make it so that the bigger and more the more emotion and passion added to the name equals a stronger spell


typing out “Shadow Blast” would do moderate damage


Typing out “King’s Unholy Dark purge” will cause it to do massive damage

Plus points if it was on caps or the text was bigger and brighter in any way

copy and paste time!!!

church of Iris becomes an NPC faction… and Enizor’s the leader


Make magics randomly rolled, with lost and ancient magics having a 9 and 1% chance to be rolled respectively. The only way to reroll your magic is with a Prometheus’s acrimony tier rarity ingredient, for fighting styles make them only learnable with certain magics, and for weapons make them deal far less damage than magic or fighting styles.

gambling odyssey

To add to this: Repeatedly using the same incantation will make a spell less effective, meaning you need to open a dictionary, and look up synonyms for everything. The “default” name of a move is less affected by this, and can lose at most half its’ damage from uniqueness decay.

Oh, and for extra badness, it counts everyones usage of ability names, and the more different people use the same name, the faster the power of that name decays. Maybe it could also have reduced, or even no decay, if someone is the only one using a name.
And to add to that, a gamepass that lets you reserve an ability name for your own usage. Only one. And if you have a typo, or write an ability name for something you can’t use? Tough luck.

Dying makes you drop all of your items onto the ground (they are individual, not in like a bag that can be picked up)

Weapons now have a mastery system like fighting styles.

You can only have at max 5 weapons mastered at the same time. Only mastered weapons have all their moves available, otherwise you can only m1 with the others. If you want to pick up another weapon you have to forget a mastery and learn from scratch.