"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

You’re a hero

Days till thread dies: +1

This thread probably won’t die until after 100 votes unless a mod closes it for some reason lol.

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this thread has become legendary

If I get lightning checked by Zeus at low HP one more time I will blow up Ravenna.

men are cute


perhaps they are

I forgot if i alr said smth here

Just gonna add an experience that happened to me 30s ago:

I was in range 1 insanity, fighting an atlantean ketch near a siren rock. I fight off the 3k hp mutated atlantean with around 300 health to spare (max hp 1.5k), and half a second later I see:

Skenana was lost to the dark sea

My hp went to -114 from it.

Please tell me Vetex, how in all that is holy, is that a fair or natural difficulty feature to the dark sea? When I have exactly 0 chances to
A) Predict the lightning
B) Block the lightning
C) Survive the lightning
I lost nearly 20 dark sealed chests to that, and wasted over an hour of my time.


Just yesterday I had an expedition ended super early by the most ludicrous bullshit.
In my build I use for the dark sea, I have 100% water breathing, but not even that could save me from this.

My ship was slightly damaged so I was using the bronze repair hammer to top off the durability incase I ran into an atlantean brig, when suddenly I get swept off of my ship by a wave.
I hear ship combat music start, as I swim back to my ship that’s already taken 5000 damage from a cannon volley, I get swept further away from my ship by ANOTHER wave.
This happens a THIRD TIME and is so bad that I need to regen stamina at the bottom of the dark sea TWICE to get back to my ship.
I get back to my ship with it only having around 6k hp left and the brig has 18k.
The brig also had no crew on it so I couldn’t save my ship no matter what I did.

Somehow this was even WORSE than the times I’ve been fucked over by lightning and water poisoning.

the game decided “no fun :imp:” and combo’d you out of existence

da people have spoken

we hit 100 votes this is crazy

GG to the suggestion


Keep this alive till vetex adds it

Lost 20 ds chests do to my boat randomly disappearing while exploring an island :sob:

Also it seems very common for lightning to strike me off my boat which is so annoying

Damn thats tuff, i nearly lost true captain to a lightning strike (turns out i had like 39 minutes in range 2 so i inhaled mad copium)

Why aint this in yet

genuinely why has nothing changed about these mechanics since the dark sea update released.
we are approaching two months.