"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage

"Surprise" environmental effects should only deal CurHP% damage
effort 4.821428571428571 28 quality 4.870967741935484 31 reasonability 4.971428571428572 35

No way! Again!

based system

almost died to an atlantean then zeus saved me by striking it with lightning and afterwards preceded to snipe me with lightning over and over :sob:

Zeus really trolled you

How is this topic still alive???
Also getting struck by lightning after barely surviving a two Atlantean fight really draws all the fun from such an intense duel…

Just realize that I didn’t put stars on that

I can only agree, one day, I was in the Dark Sea I fought an atlantean with a friend and I was almost dead.
Then I dash towards the boat and Zeus just said “No way you’re getting out of this” and strike. Since I was the brig owner, the brig despawned and we lose all our chests

I can only agree

I once fight an Atlantean, lightning struck me. I survived then ran for my life, cuz my hp is so low

never did rate this did i? well… BUMP

this suggestion is now 1 month old, im bumping this, vetex needs to see it

bumped. this is literally the only thing i want rn

Another bump

oh my fucking god

The system will never let it die

It doesn’t even have to bump it, it will close in 6 months lmao

the undying suggestion

( wow suggestions get manually closed but this one gets automatically bumped )


this suggestion is becoming a meme at this point

This suggestion is like William Afton, it always comes back

The system always Bumps back