Testers, What is Your Process?

as a Roblox Programmer (more of a badge of shame than of honor tbh) i will say that every time you publish an update to this accursed site it is more of an abnormality to have absolutely nothing go wrong than to have everything go right
theres some shit thats preventable of course but at this point this is just a looping discussion and beating a dead horse


“No, I don’t know anything about game development or design, but I played your game for free, so you work for ME now!”

People who say that really dont know what testing actually is. This happens in other games, and probs more likely with more complex games for its platform like AO.

I think people are following your advice, it dropped to 4k in 5 days

Slower than I expected, but either way, every game loses players about a week after an update

This rate is pretty fast for a 5 month update tho and it’s been less than a week


I don’t think the amount of time it takes for an update contributes to how many people drop the game after the update. It’s the content in the update that holds people in, and since there was little content, there’s little need to continue playing, which is perfectly normal.

Ya so that’s literally what they’re doing, they don’t like the little content of the new update so they’re playing something else

The small amount of content doesn’t directly contribute to how people enjoy that content. Those people may have liked the content in the update, but there is no reason to keep playing when there’s no more content.

In short, when you complete the content in a game, you are likely to stop playing, regardless of if you liked the content or not.

There is “more content” though in the sense of armor sets, I guarantee you most people did not grind those armor sets in any way

Also if you think people genuinely liked the content I think you need to get some better polling done, literally hopping into vetex general vc had basically everyone shitting on it.

Almost Nobody completes arcane odyssey’s content (besides just story)

This is indicative of the rest not being much fun

The story is the content that I’m talking about

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The story isn’t the entire game though or else according to you 0 content has been added since the release of the game till nimbus

Dark sea added 0 story and had 4x better player retention with less time getting the update out


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I’m not saying people don’t play for the side content. Just that most people play for the story, and when that finishes, they leave.

Then why’d you think this level of retention is normal for an update when it’s worse than previous ones

Though the dark sea is technically side-content, it adds replayability for those who finish the main content. Ya know what I mean?

I know what the dark sea is, I also know this update was bad compared to the dark sea update which led to lower retention

We don’t know what it’ll be for future updates but for this update at least, people are specifically not playing the game due to the lacking update

I’m not trying to convince you that the Nimbus sea content is good or not. I’m just saying that the reason why people drop games is because of lack of significant things to do after finishing the main content.

How people enjoy that content is an entirely different discussion.