Testers, What is Your Process?

Ya he’s doing this after how many years?

For example at one point (I think bosses update) WoM faced extreme lag (possibly due to weather update?) and was quite literally unplayable, this didn’t show up in TU so he turned off destruction in main game for like a week to fix it

That was 4 years ago

Yes, I’m glad they are making SOME changes but more changes need to be made

actions speak louder than words, if the update isn’t as good there definitely a problem and you need to actively do better. Other than that 1 thing nothing was said what they would ACTIVELY do to make future updates better other than 1 thing.

You would think that, but most of the people I’ve talked to have said otherwise who have been around since AA and there’s a good amount of people in and out of the community who don’t like him because how he acts and deals with things like criticism and game design

Yeah but that issue clearly had an easy fix, whereas the whole weapon wipe had no easy fix at all since there isn’t enough man power to manually restore thousands of people’s lost items, and giving everyone luck 4 or 5 would just destroy the economy and make sunkens worthless. It was a lose lose and honestly luck 3 was probably the best decision they could have made


That isn’t the point at all, the point was even when something was gamebreaking, vetex did not change his testing methods, only when the whole community started yelling at him did he actually change it

Luck 3 is not the best decision they could’ve made

Luck 3 is vetex grasping for premium payouts while disguising it as compensation

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Also everyone having luck 5 still wouldn’t recover the number of sunkens lost in total lol

This, and i don’t think a lot of people want compensation , we want this game to be successful and our criticism is being ignored time after time while the game design has so many issues and no SOLUTIONS are being seeked out, and if there are it’s solutions so they don’t get pressed.


I typically get like anywhere between 1-3 sunkens per hour of luck 5, a whole 5 days of luck 5 would be enough to replace what was lost for anyone other than those with an absurd number of sunken swords and staffs

yeah I found it very weird that the compensation offered was something that would only affect us if we grinded more


giving us ‘luck’ or ‘stat’ resets are not going to make people happy, it’s letting people see you are trying to seek solutions that benefit YOUR game and the community itself. it’s been too long staying stubborn and it’s time to do better.

(and taking accountability and blaming things on the platform or some other bs excuse. )

You can get like a sunken an hour with luck 5, maybe more. Very few people lost more than one or two sunkens, so giving everyone luck 5 for a few days would essentially just give everyone easy access to an absurd amount of sunken items, which would in fact crash the whole sunken economy

Most people are not addicted to AO to play 6 hours a day

A sunken an hour isn’t a sunken sword an hour (the sunken of value rn)

If you got a sunken an hour you’d get a sunken sword every 8 hours on avg

Then most people would not have had enough sunken swords and staffs to need more than an hour or 2 of luck 5

you’re forgetting that chests exist, sealed chests exist, nimbus sea and dark sea chest exists, treasure charts, etc. luck 5 would make it so you have almost a high chance to get basically anything you want in the game. even then, luck is NOT the answer it’s doing better with this flawed game design

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Also a sunken sword would still take 8 hours on avg if we generously assume you’re getting a sunken an hour

Staff is not equal to sword but even pretending it is, that’s still 4 hours for 1 which you lost because vetex didn’t save backups


Ultimately luck isn’t even a valid solution, the base rates themselves are also ridiculous

Either way I lost a single sunken staff on the release day, since then I have fished for probably 12 hours total. If we had luck 5 I would have gotten 12 sunkens, 11 more than I had previously. Even poor people like myself would have every sunken item in a couple days flat with some dedicated fishing which isn’t how they are supposed to work

Fishing isn’t supposed to be rewarding? Got it

Im not defending the lack of backups, I’m saying that giving people luck for 5 days straight is stupid

Trading exists and if everyone gets luck 5 for 5 days straight than there would be more than enough people with multiple sunken swords that would trade for a different sunken item.