Testers, What is Your Process?

I still don’t see why y’all think the base rates for sunken is even good, it should not take 10 hours of no luck to get a sunken piece

Also people just did luck parties for sunkens that were self-sufficient before this patch anyways, the number of sunkens would not drastically increase compared to before

And again luck isn’t an effective solution, it’s a cop out for more premium payouts for vetex

Honestly I kinda that believe everything the testers say because THEY are the ones testing and playing we’re just here coping and malding about bugs that can occur anytime due to the thousands and thousands of people joining at the same time unlike the testing universe which has only 100 people able to join there and not at the same time. We’re pointing fingers at people without being able to know whether we’re right or not and the only evidence they give us, we instantly call them liars or just say they’re making up excuses for not testing even though we don’t really know what they’re doing in TU, but I hope there’s a reason they’re testers after all.


My brother in Christ :skull:

Do you think it’s logical for a game to lock high stat items (the undeniably most effective ones for warrior even) behind 10 hours of fishing (without luck because after the luck changes, luck 4 pots might as well be its own sunken tier rarity item)??

And that’s for 1 piece


I bet they test the feature on Elysium, and that is for testing if there is a bug on exploration or boss fight

Nobody is coping and malding, and it isn’t like there’s a few bugs that got out into the main game, even game mods listed 7-8+ bugs and there’s MORE on that list that got into the main game. I also think thats having a whole tester team based on friends and volunteers, more than half of them being inactive, is why bug finding is not that efficient. (not talking about all the testers.) and the fact that there’s 1 person working on this game full of problems lmao.

I didn’t say that

Permenant luck 5 for 5 days straight is definitely gonna be a lot more people getting sunkens all at the same time than with the luck parties. Plus all the armor is still here and there’s all the people who didn’t fall victim to the wipe so there would be wayyyy more sunken by the end of it than before even if there wasn’t a luck nerf.

Again I didn’t say that, legit all I’ve been saying is that luck 5 would’ve been extremely stupid.

Luck 5 is stupid but I still don’t agree that everyone would’ve gotten their swords/staffs back in 5 days of luck 5

Not everyone is a fishing demon spending their lifetime on an obscure island fishing

most of the people who already do have sunken swords and staffs are though, and now with permanent luck 5 for 5 days they would absolutely start fishing again

That shouldn’t be a problem unless you innately think base sunken rates make sense

Again they wouldn’t need too, so long as they get a couple sunken they could easily trade with the people who are fishing demons to get their weapons back.

Nobody is trading like 2 armor pieces for a sunken sword bro

Let’s lowball it and say they take 4, that’s still just 4 hours they shouldn’t have needed to play for 1 sunken sword which they shouldn’t have lost

Even if it was 3 or 2 hours it’s nonsensical

i do agree that sunkens being this rare at base isn’t very good, but saying that the people who lost swords and staffs wouldn’t get them back with luck 5 is just wrong

Yeah if everyone was fine about testers then many memebes or rage topics wouldn’t have been made

We can’t know if they’re inactive or not unless you stalk and watch them everyday to know for sure, they might’ve just not joined that day or you didn’t notice them testing also we can’t know for sure if the bug finding is inefficient as a lot of bugs are NEW and not from TU vetex does fuck up everything with his abnormally weird indie developer obsession

Everyone wouldn’t get them back is a fact, obviously some would get them back

most would get them back, the people who already have the rarest items in game are the people who have been and are willing to grind the most, so give them luck 5 and they’d definitely get their weapons back

Dude, in a world where we get luck 5 for days straight they’d at best need 2 sunken to get a sword and a staff because there’d be a ridiculous amount to go around. Heck you could probably get both with just exotic scrolls which people would also have an insane amount of.

Ridiculous statement because exotic scrolls would be far more worthless in that scenario

so would sunkens lmao

that’s true, but i don’t think there’s any world where you could trade for a sword with just scrolls unless you find someone very particular