Testers, What is Your Process?

An item that on avg takes 8 hrs to get for a 5 day timespan is not worthless by any means you’re just being ridiculous

Also the only class that actually needs the sunken armor is warrior while basically every weapon class benefits from sunken sword, you’re not getting a sunken sword for 2 sunken pieces.

getting mad over the loss of a virtual item is fine we get that you wasted hours to get it but try not to get toxic or harass others over it LO

Who are you talking to? The voices in your head?

A good amount of people AREN’T fine and they shouldn’t be because we are technically supporters and members of this community. ‘coping and malding’ you mean giving criticism where its due and not dick riding the developer and giving him a free pass? sure say im coping.

Trust me, it’s been said by multiple testers themselves that a GOOD amount of the tester team are inactive. and yes we DO know that bug finding is inefficient because it’s ran by volunteers meaning nobody has to actually help him do anything and that’s why there’s 10-15+ bugs that affect you in game because nobody has to seriously try. And the fact that there’s 1 developer trying to fix the bugs so a lot of other bugs are just left in the dark that have been noted for MONTHS by testers.

He’s baiting

yeah looks like it

No, to you

Yeah bro calling testers and vetex shitty, worthless and stuff is sure very necessary criticism I’m mad too because I lost a bunch of items but no reason for me to just start harassing the mods over it.

No idea about this and the rest since I’ve never seen these statements myself

Do you guys really define everything as baiting like can’t you just discuss like a normal person


Let’s vc I want to hear you communicate like a normal person

I don’t even have a mic and why the hell would I vc with you to prove something so random like that it’s not like I communicate through discussions

Wise dodge

Where did I call anyone shitty? I said that there are problems with testing and bug finding, because the systems themselves are flawed and there’s nobody to help the developer. I’ve made this so clear to everyone i’ve talked to i don’t care about weapon wipe i care about the game design and it’s not good. and even after people have said this vetex continues to be stubborn or blame roblox or some other thing

You could do it prior to the wipe

First of all 1 in 8 hours on avg wouldn’t be the average it’d be almost the minimum. Secondly, with everyone fishing with luck 5 including the people who have no issue fishing all day, it’d get pretty cheap. Definitely compared to whatever it was before.

I don’t think you’re quite grasping the amount of sunken swords and staffs that would be in the economy.

I don’t really want to argue anymore, I’ll admit I may have gone overboard with the exotic scrolls bit, but its pretty clear you don’t understand what would happen if everyone got luck 5 for five days straight and trying to tell you isn’t gonna get me anywhere.

why don’t you two vc or talk in a different thread instead of venting in a chat that was meant for legitimate discussion and criticism not heedless quarreling

I never said you called anyone shitty?? But I saw a topic where people where actually calling vetex and others this stuff brah


What did I just return to…? Wtf is going on here?

I dunno but I’ve been getting spammed with notifs for the past hour :smiley:


I think you’re vastly overestimating the number that would be obtained or vastly underestimating how much sunkens luck parties produced

Anyways we both agree luck was stupid and premium payouts cop out so this doesn’t matter in the least