Testers, What is Your Process?

Also, that doesnt look like baiting at all…

Once again having to go back to explain because I like to prove things, not only YOUR criticism but others ‘‘criticism’’ which is where I got my statement of others calling the mods and stuff shitty I didn’t target that towards you, but others from other topic

You got bad eyesight for bait, I am a master baiter so I can spot it from a mile away

I have 0 bait intentions if you don’t believe me then there’s not much I can do :man_shrugging:

Ah I thought you were talking to me specfically, sorry. I don’t condone people calling vetex or testers worthless or shitty, I just think that theres are many issues and flawed systems that need to be addressed and worked on but never will because nobody on the inside speaks up and the developer is too stubborn to change.

True but I can’t go much in depth about that since I don’t really know about those things of testers being inactive or not I just want people to stop harassing them because of their virtual update, about vetex being sturbborn yeah he’s insane


Nothing will change if we don’t get on people. Vetex needs to see people aren’t going to let this go until he trys to do something about it for the better of his game and community. ‘virtual update’ doesn’t add any less meaning to the situation lol. Theres many people who have been with vetex for 2-3 years, even 5, as a testers or a general fan of the game (AA, WoM, AO) and he still acts the same. this isn’t okay and people deserve to have their criticism heard (without being insulting of course.)

hold on i saw that edit

Isnt baiting meant to lure leople into arguments to start a fight?

Honestly, I dont see any of that in their prior message (I was looking at the ones you said first). In fact, it was kinda the opposite…

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level is the one baiting, don’t fall for it

most problems in general/life weren’t changed unless people spoke up about them that’s why things were CHANGED. If there’s hundreds of people criticizing a dev he has to do something about it or it will just end up horribly in his favor.

If you don’t see this as completely unprompted bait, idk what to tell you

They were just asking to be civil about the whole discussion. They werent saying to stop, LMAO. Its possible to still be civil about criticism.

How was I being uncivil

Like genuinely scroll through the messages, I had no hint of toxicity nor harassed anyone

Cant it just be a reminder? Because people can still get carried away without realizing it sometimes. It didnt have to mean you were being uncivil.

Well this derailed pretty fast

you do have to make bait believable for it to work you know