Testers, What is Your Process?

You seem to be very optimistic about how that’s not bait when they said they were talking to me specifically

If it was, then Im afraid you kinda fell for it mate

Don’t see how as I’m not engaging with him

Unless you’re saying you’re baiting and I fell for your bait

Im not, Im just making observations on the whole discussion

Then how would not engaging in an argument with baiter/sending memes = falling for bait

This topic is actually derailed tho

Imagine how much worse an update would release if EVERY bug got through.
Yes, the bugs that magically appeared out of thin air were bad, but I’d bet real money that bugs just as bad if not worse were patched pre-release lol.

world war 3 going on here wtf

we test and do test, albeit not 24/7 cuz we all have lives.
if any of you have tested a game thats complex, then youd know its much harder to find bugs then to just jump in and start searching.
number one is that bugs arent obvious. they always happen at the most random of times, and many times don’t even appear for some people (as seen with this update, bugs appearing all over the place when they were never encountered in TU)

two, sometimes we dont even know what is a bug and what isnt. this mostly relates to stat scaling, because the formula could be intended to work the way it does.

third, roblox as a game engine is straight up dogshit, and there were so many issues caused by it during nimbus development that im surprised vetex even has the will to keep going. sometime after finishing sameria, there was a package version bug that basically deleted half the code vetex wrote after that, and alongside that roblox kept on not cooperating with a QoL feature vet was adding which caused it to be scrapped. (it was actually such a w feature but roblox is ass)

sometimes things just pop up when we don’t expect it. such is the way of life, and i doubt we can change it.


Hey, Vetex sorry to bother but I found something odd.

I can’t see the level of decade old weapons and I feel like does way more damage then the newer ones.

While I can see the level of higher rarity one like stormcaller or normal weapons and they do less damage.

Is it a bug or intentional?

i dont think he was answering question. he was addressing the people who doubted the competency of the mods

I understand that testing and bug finding is really hard, and you aren’t really required to because you are just volunteers. I know you try you’re hardest and so as other testers but I do feel like more support is needed for this game. example of this is having paid testers and it doesn’t have to be a whole lot. In my opinion I feel like the tester team is either super inactive (ones who test vs those who don’t.) or most don’t test simply because they were just roled the tester role by vetex as friends. There needs to be a actual system in place because the current one is flawed.

I also understand that there’s a lot of confusion on what is a bug and what isn’t. I feel like this is also a problem because it just means bugs can roam free without anyone actually know they exist and cause the game to not have a pleasant experience for users. Like I said before, I think having people specialize in debugging would be really efficient. Also knowing formulas because I’m pretty sure some testers don’t even know them which can cause a lot of bugs to go through. But you aren’t even required to know these formulas because its just free work and you can only get so much done when you aren’t specialized in debugging and working for free.

For your third point I understand to the fullest that the Roblox Engine is super bad and has issues, but I must say I haven’t found a game that has so much issues with the Engine but this. If you’re scripts are getting deleted and it’s affecting the developer SO MUCH over the engine I think that feels like a half scripting issue. And again, I think it’s always important to have several people looking at things and getting different opinions. This is a occurring statement but Vetex NEEDS to hire a scripter or a different kind of developer. This entire game is too much for one person that lack of content is becoming a common thing, many bugs are getting out to main game, etc. Roblox is a shit engine but it can’t be a excuse not to do anything about it. I know there isn’t much you can do but if a platform is affecting your entire scripts It’s Roblox fault, but I think it’s also a problem with flawed scripting and game design.

Basically, he needs more support and seek change to his game design and the way he does things. Many people have given him constructive criticism (some not so well) but he continues to be stubborn and defensive. I know theres things out of his control but there are things IN control that he can do but he simply won’t. In all I don’t know the dude, and I’m not a developer but I really want to see things change because there’s a LOT of issues that have been around for years yet I never see change. we as supporters want to see this game thrive and we aren’t seeing much of our feedback being taken into consideration due to ignorance. Thank you for your input and have a good day.


(So I leave the smaller bugs in without telling people)

That was a response to cryonical

i have a “ghost” sunken sword in my hotbar, it doesnt exist. it can be easily proved because it doesnt show in my inventory, but i still have it equipped. why cant the mods at least restore sunkens for these kinds of circumstances?


same thing with me but it prob wont get restored (bias or some like that cause people have proof but not everyone can be restored ig)

They’re very sleepy

Tbh I don’t really get it either, like I get that its a big workload, but I don’t think anyone would disagree that it taking a while, even months, would be preferable to no restores at all.

I don’t think testers for any Roblox game will ever be competent in a million years due to the exclusive way that testers work only on this site, where some devs will charge money for tester (something that you should get paid for). Then a lot of the testers pay money and treat it like it’s an early access game.

I remember seeing a game charge $500 for tester it’s so wild. An actual Dev team would work wonders instead of getting some 12 year old roblox testers. I’m not a big fan of the Rell Brothers and I’m not a Rell seas glazer but this game’s development would go like 50x better if he followed their example. They literally post sneaks so fast and they’re working on like 2 or 3 games at once, that’s how effective they are in their development. No idea if they ever used Roblox as an excuse for something happening either.

(guess you can call this the Rell Seas effect hahaha sorry)

their whole reasoning is that there would be people saying they lost 10 sunken swords and really, there is no way to prove that, i get it

but for “ghost” weapons it can be easily proven i dont see why they cant do restores for that

proof isn’t the issue, it’s that the 2 of us available/willing to restore are incapable of going through 20,000 people to manually restore 100,000+ weapons