Testers, What is Your Process?

I’ve seen this image a ton, but it hides the health stat, so they could have very easily had 4k+ defence and just cropped it out to make it look broken

this thread NEEDS to be studied

Studied for what? Only the first two hours had anything decent happen

nothing here is normal human behaviour


after reading this whole thread…i kinda agree with this person.

Why not just restore a few weapons then?

yea this thread is a prime example of what i mean when i say the AO community is so negative, it was decent conversation until after the answer was found.

obliged to restore all requests if we did that

i tested how to make npcs, thats my process.


ain’t fair to pick and choose who we restore, we’d end up stacking months of requests that we simply can’t go through

You don’t have to choose. You can just randomize it. Or you could limit it to only people who lost a certain amount and value of weapons

restore giveaway. 15 lucky winners will have their weapons restored :3

I mean why not? it would still save 15 people hours

ur right it would, but then we go back to us feeling morally obliged to restore everyone who lost items


lap 2

If a small number of people provably lost items to another bug, would you restore their items?

Bro do you know how much more outraged people would be if they only restored a few people’s items :unamused:


yea, we do this already