The Adventure of Bob Auburn (Part Two)

link to part one: click here to find it
ok so im planning for this to be five parts but i might either make it shorter or longer i honestly dont know
also i did write this in the same night as part one but i forgot to post it here so yeah
now we get onto the actual content

And so, we continue on this man’s adventure. After intensely rowing away, he eventually bumped into a small rock. He quickly climbed onto this, looking outwards. He noticed a massive formation of large stone pillars. He sighed and quickly went back on his rowboat and rowed for a while.

All of a sudden, he heard some voices before he felt a massive THUMP on his rowboat. He looked behind him, to find a black haired man, wearing a bandana. The man quickly pulled out a dagger, proceeding to slash Bob Auburn. Bob Auburn attempted to negotiate with the man, despite his lack of items. The man rejected his offer, saying that he’ll instead kill him. Bob Auburn then quickly attempted to blast at the man, though only creating a small burst of energy towards his face, slightly burning him. Bob Auburn quickly went in for a kick to the face, attempting to knock out the man, however he smelt something.

It was…smoke? He quickly focused on the man’s bandana, realising it had lit on fire. He quickly attempted to take the man’s bandana off, splashing seawater at his face shortly after. He quickly heard another thump on his rowboat. The man had fallen, He quickly mustered up all of his power and went into the middle of the large structure of pillars. His cuts would open slightly, making him bleed. His sweat dripped all around him, making his clothes soaking wet in his fluids. He continued on, despite these massive obstacles. All they were to him was just minor feelings that he ignored.

After only a few minutes, he quickly got to the centre of the formation. It seemed to be an island. He quickly jumped onto the docks, carrying the incapacitated man with him. He quickly went to a small potion seller, asking for a healing potion. He quickly pointed out the man’s burns. The shopkeeper replied in a snarky manner that he needed to pay for it… to put it lightly, Bob Auburn was pissed.

A red, bright aura surrounded him. The air around him quickly heated up, as it slowly became brighter and brighter. The shopkeeper quickly panicked and complied with him. Bob Auburn quickly calmed down, his aura immediately disappearing as the air got much cooler. He gives a pleasant smile and a gentle ‘’Thank you.’’ before feeding the incapacitated man the potion.

ok and thats it folks
also before you ask again, he has PLASMA MAGIC AAAAAAA (nova variation to be specific)
ok bye now


he is now gonna be very quickly arrested for burglary

in other notes yeah the paragraph ought to be split up. It’ll get you more readers.