The Arcane Conspiracy: Final Boss

Previously, on The Arcane Conspiracy:

I spoke about the ideas of devourers, and how they may be related to durza/ the absorption curse due to their properties of being able to absorb energy/ curses.

This time on The Arcane Conspiracy, I will be talking about a VERY likely final boss for AO, the Greek titans. This is already quite a popular theory with the community, I simply wanted to go more into detail with it.

The final boss of AO will be Kronos/ the Greek mythology titans

Point 1: An Ancient Threat

One of the best supports for this theory is found directly in the official lore document, the exact statement

is said. Now, think about it: If gods basically ruled the lands, and were the ““good guys””, who would be the threat? The titans. In Greek Mythology, Kronos basically ate Zeus and the other Olympian gods to remain on the top, but was eventually beaten by Zeus in a 10 year war and thrown in Tartarus. Now, unless Vetex pulls out something like TORREN, or another random GFC user, I seriously doubt that there are any other “Ancient Threats” that we can fight. The gods are dead and the PK is presumably stronger than even zeus, and Vetex/ tech (I can’t remember which) stated that we will be stronger than the PK, so we also most likely aren’t fighting the gods, leaving the only possible contender left as the titans, who are sealed in Tarturus

Point 2: What the gods fear

As mentioned above, the titans essentially ate the gods in attempt to never let the gods surpass them. At the end of Arcane Odyssey, Poseidon speaks to us and says that he has been looking for someone with a “strong sense of justice”, which we can presume meaning he is looking for a warrior to fight. Poseidon as a god didn’t really have much to fear besides a few people: Durza, Prometheus, and the titans. Durza is dead and there is no way he is coming back, Prometheus is dead and he probably isn’t coming back (and the PK is also presumably stronger than him already, whom we will surpass), Leaving only the “threat” possible as titans, or some other possible “unforeseen” force. The Order could likely fall under this category, but A titan would fall under this category better.

Point 3: Proccess of elimination

Vetex has confirmed we are not fighting or most likely even gonna see the PK ingame, Durza is dead, Cursebeard is dead, Prometheus is dead, Most of the gods are dead, and are also weaker than PK, What i’m trying to say is that there is nothing left for us to fight. I hard doubt the true final boss will just be the leader of the order, but most likely something greater. The description Of AO says something along the lines of “Will you be worshipped, or feared” which could relate to reputation, but could also relate to your path in the story. Perhaps the player gains notoriety or fame in a story-wise way. The order is an extremely hidden group, so killing them throughout the storyline wont do it. You are already destroying kingdoms, but perhaps the thing to set this off could be fighting a big, bad destroyer of worlds, which perfectly aligns with the titans.

So yeah, I have a few more points but i didn’t really want to put them here to shorten it and not make it seem like lore vomit.

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I could see it being like Pokemon Platinum where Team Galactic is built up all this time and then at the end after we defeat the leader the true final boss is unleashed (except nobody actually fights it).

Doesn’t explain the experiments unless you need like special blood to unseal them


The last boss will be Atlas

These are her stats

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well Kronos did only eat the gods because he was afraid of the curse that Ouranos spoke to him when he chopped off his private part with a sickle

bro dident have to go that far, he just needed therapy (Kronos needed therapy, not Ouranos, Ouranos needed discipline on not chucking the ugly children into the Tarturus)

when it surpasses the codes integer limit and things get negative (literally):

Remember, the Order is trying to undo a seal on something, something that would change the world forever, and taking into account their goal of furthering magic and collecting curses…
Torren is a safe bet as to what they are trying to unleash on the world.

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Honestly it could actually really explain it. It is HEAVILY implied we are demigods and Zeus (and the other big 3) sealed the titans in tartarus, it could be that they are the key to unsealing tartarus

This is what i originally thought before tech hard de-confirmed torren’s existance in vetcord :melting_face:

I believe Calvus talked about bringing back an ancient force, so presumably the Order is trying to manually raise Kronos from Tartarus because they worship him or something.

I could see this happening but my theory is that the final boss maybe somebody who is related to Norse Mythology because 'The Order of The Aesir" Really gives off the vibe that we went from Greek Mythology to Norse Mythology.

Ah, so pulling a God of War?

Also, what exactly does Aesir have to do with Norse Mythology? I know more about Greek mythos.

From what I understand, the Aesir are a race of gods in Norse mythology, the gods that live in Asgard. Popular Aesir are Thor, Loki, Odin, etc.

I’m more of a Typhon enjoyer

Gonna leave this before I continue reading, but isn’t the order trying to unseal something

As a side note, with Morden having the Death curse, a crackpot theory could be that the Order was letting Calvus acquire the Death curse as a potential way to undo a seal (going to assume what I said before is correct). In particular, let’s gloss over the titans and just move over to the Primordials, in particular this would be related to Thanatos (the primordial of Death). Although they’re implied to be trying to further magic so I don’t know what Thanatos would have to do with this but it could be a part of whatever magic evolution they are trying to do (Primordials in AO could literally just be pure magical energy that dictates a concept in the game world).

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Please be Typhon I love that guy :fire:

Then vetex can also just make him eldritch and horrifying too

My inner monster hunter wants to know what kind of weapons/armor I can make from defeating them

Man, was about to point out Typhon, but I was busy so I couldn’t, so someone beat me to it :laughing:

I mean, depending on which myth Vetex goes with, this is probs the guy we’ll be fighting. Dude literally cheesed Zeus so easily and caused a 10,000 year war in one variations of the myths.

I mean, I remember reading the QnA with Vetex once and some parts kind of implied we’ll be fighting some kind of monster rather than a humanoid at one point, which interested me.

On another note… Typhon was speculated to have been named after the ancient greek word for “Whirlwind”, kinda reminds me of that riddle Tech posted, but it might be a reach so eh.

…Oh yeah, you know its commonly said this guy wasn’t chopped into little bits, and was just sealed under a mountain? Which is why that “mountain” now spews molten lava nowadays, he’s trying to break free. He’s said to be sealed under Mt Etna.

kinda :sweat_smile:

i wanna fucking fight kronos
i wanna fight a guy that’s 10x taller than me and beat the fuck out of him hitless damageless
so this is valid

yes I want to fight giants
not sure what “armor” they would drop tho