Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I don’t actually think it’s that big of a deal for warrior, since they will get 2 new boss weapons.
it’s quite bad for the hybrid builds though, since you’d just be taking away abilities without providing an alternative

Did anyone else here the name of the 4th sea in the qna?

Its a placeholder for now. Its Azure Sea or Aegean Sea. Seemingly leaning to the latter, but its bound to change as its a placeholder.

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2 weapons in return for less options on existing weapons, no new abilities, and no weapon build exclusive armor?
I think warriors definitely lose in this patch

Speaking of which, was a transcript of the qna ever made?

Yes there’s 2 versions
(I prefer this one The Arcane Odyssey 3/2/2024 QNA Transcript - All Questions & Answers written down)

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this rod is perfect for luck 4 parties wdym

New weapons so far haven’t been great so hopefully the ones in this update are actually good. One is a gun I think so I kind of doubt it

i mean, huh, he haves a point honestly

Im guessing Chaos or Wotan.
Wotan is obvious, in the world he is at the apex of power due to being a skilled curse user.
Chaos also fits because it is literally “The Apex”

Theres actually three. Someone made a whole doc and I think its the one with the most accuracy, with each answer being word by word, even including who said which. (The QnA transcript Tom mentioned missed a question, idk if it missed any more)

The first one by Maplestorm (I think) was a rough summary for each question, but it had timestamps on when it was mentioned. Look there if you need to know when the asnwer was said.

ranged weapons are pretty strong tho, and since it’s a multi pistol type weapon it should also be quite good

35 pages
and 5 hours :sob:

the awesome story progression of losing access to our lost spells. so cool

our character canonically hit their head after the return to warren quest and got memory loss again

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yeah but only if they are hybrids

this encapsulates my thoughts perfectly
132 seems cheap when 135 unlocks so much more with just a 3 level difference

Going to Level 132 equates to 14 Stat Points, compared to 20 from 135.

Hope y’all went with 150/100 builds or have an Acrimony on standby.

Either way warlocks are losing atleast one ability even if they went 150/100

And i feel bad for the 100/150 conjurers (my main file :sob:)

132 wouldn’t be cheap if we weren’t also having abilities removed from us. Fluect has a good point that the level cap is to reflect story progression, it’s not just for the sake of giving us new stuff. But I feel like that point isn’t applicable here, since this is a unique instance where we’re actually losing stuff without any compensation. The fact that everyone except pure builds is losing more than they’re gaining is what makes the “First update to increase the level cap” selling point feel so underhanded.

Level 132 would have been enough for Savants to get 150 points in a single stat, which would have made Focus, Aura, and the second skills on Elius’ weapons potentially available. But that’s not happening either, because Savants won’t be able to invest more than 40% after this update. If the balance doc goes through, that will be changed to 50%. But that still means Savants will only be able to invest 132 points into a single stat, which is less than before, 149.

Even Savants are getting their things taken away.