The Current State of Conjurer

Right now it’s 0.825, but the update will change it to like 0.925.

Ok so you are actually getting a dmg buff from bleed and burn

It’s sad cuz 0.9 is just the right amount where magma deals slightly less damage imbued now, it deals 0.01x less damage than unimbued weps :sob: :sob:

(Also some fucking how lightning is gonna be dealing the same fucking damage as magma thats like 3x slower than it is, which is ridiculous, Idc about dot this dot that MAGMA SHOULD DEAL MORE IMPACT THAN LIGHTNING WHAT)


In my opinion, to make things fair in comparison with Mage builds, conjurer magic imbued weapon skills should do the magic damage + the weapon damage, as this would bring it in line with the 300 damage blasts that mages get.

0.925x isn’t even that good, sand and crystal do more. in total magma still dealt less than poison

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Conjurers saying their build sucks when it really isn’t that bad (they’re just jealous of Berserkers ability to be ass):

[Insert GIF here]

This would double the damage of most conjurers (and not the 300 dmg your talking about) and make it the best class in the game

As it stands conj js already in top 3 best classes, and mage getting a nerf. If you seriously think conj is bad your a skill issue.

the ability to m1 in question

imo conjurer is in a pretty balanced state rn and doesnt need much buffs at all. The only issue is that certain magics do like nothing (glass) with conjurer.

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no DoT? no benefit, aside from maybe size if you’re ice like me

and the imbued skills with ice dont even get the synergy off of a non-imbued bleed for some reason, so you’re better off throwing a blast at them while being directly in front of them, which happens to be kind of unreliable (a primal slash does about the same amount of damage of a bleed-boosted 100% ice blast)

seriously, does the freezing-bleeding synergy just NOT work on conjurer or am i doing it wrong?

bugged and doesnt apply it rn should be fixed in a recent patch but it isnt published

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from what i know, that fix is happening in v1.12
(its not actually that big of a deal for me i can get by on the size buff that may or may not be there)

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some magics are extremely good (crystal)
and some are ass (everything without a bleed or self synergy of any kind)

i use light conjurer and its really good (though i do disable imbuements on some weapons)
yeah i’d have to agree that some magics make conjurer really weak, but apart from those magics conjurer is in a good state rn, not too oppressive (mage) or too weak (vit builds) but has a lot of utility from weapons and magic

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funny how i see this as i’m leveling up my conjurer. in the past, i’ve tried warlord but i wasn’t a very big fan of it, thanks to how you basically ignored your fs and only use it for imbues lategame. what’s the point of using warlord for AoE when warrior literally gets that as their awakening? the lack of range and managing weapons properly was also annoying.

Warlord has better AoE then warrior and does more dmg

Also its the 2nd best class in the game (behind mage, fuck mage.)

Warlord aoe is better than warrior aoe on awakening is getting nerfed or removed next update

eh, just use thermo fist and build around it then you’ll get something that’s comparable and sometimes better than most classes except the metamancers