The Devil’s Swordsman | Part 2

The Devil’s Swordsman - Part 2
A World of Magic Story

It seemed as though the mysterious figure took out the bandits with ease. With just the way that he fought with the dagger, it was like he had created a whole new type of art form.

“Woah! That was amazing! You must be some highly trained dagger guy!” The teen boy yelled out.

“I would like to learn that too! How many people have you defeated with a baby knife like that!” The girl seemed to be just as excited. The two teenagers then started to make pretend stab motions with each other with make believe daggers. Just as when their fun was at their peak, the cloaked figure then started to walk off.

“Hey, where are you going! We never even introduced ourselves!” One of them exclaimed.

“There’s no need. There’s no reason for us to meet again. Have a nice day.” The figure then continued on his way. Just then, the girl jumped in front of him. He then started to look down at her.

“You seem pretty tall, but even with a height like yours, you might get lost around these parts! Let us, Sammy and Danny, show you around! It’s the least that we can do!” The figure then began to ponder. It seemed as though he was considering their offer.

“Oh wait a second now! It’s never Sammy and Danny, it’s Danny and Sammy. I’m older so I clearly go first. Also, I think my sister here has a point. Ya seem new, so it’s the least we can do!” The girl, Sammy, then seemed to get visually agitated with Danny.

“Will I not get annoyed by you both?” The two then shook their heads with an adorable glitter in their eyes. “Fine, lead the way.” As the mysterious man seemed to be annoyed, the two then lead the figure from outside the alley. As the shadow from the above roofs began to wither as they walked into the sunlight, loads of people, food, and commotion seemed to be going on in the square of Ironport.

“Run! It’s the Rising Mist Bandits!” A loud yell of a fisherman could be heard from one side of the docks. “They’re coming from above!”

“Wait a second… if I remember correctly, the color from those bandits scarfs earlier were blue. Could this mean that both the Rising Mist and Darksea Bandit groups are here at Ironport?” Then, a giant heard of civilians ran away from the entrance side of the town. From the entrance, a group of bandits with yellow scarfs were all lined up with their bow and arrows.

“More bandits, oh brother!” Sammy said.

The mysterious figure then began to look around seeing bandits all around the town, ready to attack. “What is going on in Ironport today, and why did I have to be stuck in the middle of it!?”

Edit: Part 3 is Here Thanks for reading!!!


I am on my deathbed

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That was actually quite a nice read, I thought it was going to be just edginess but I was able to perfectly imagine how the fight went through and I like it when stories that I read was able to do that.

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