The entire forums fight each other to the death while i just watch

I am bored and buzy, so im out.

durza bad gg argument over

AO forumers when literally anything happens:

is it finally over
are we free?

Durza did nothing wrong. It was hades

Let’s make a comparison, for example, I (Durza) am being chased by a police car (Theos). I fear for my life, so I use my ultimate move (going 60 in a school zone). I accidentally plow through thirteen kindergarteners (80% of the Arcane population) to get away. I am not evil for running over the children, I only intended to escape from the police.

What I theoretically did and what Durza did was unexcusable, at this point intentions don’t matter. For what purpose did that many people die? Durza was already acting immorally and incredibly dangerous. Theos was defending his city while Durza was defending his own lust for power and plan for world domination. There was also no way he didn’t know the extent of his powers with all his research and studying. He was at the very least dooming a city or a kingdom with his blast considering entire villages were destroyed during their fight. This shows that his character is evil for having absolutely no care for human life.

Here’s something extra. What if he likes killing people and causing suffering? Remember, Durza was an outcast that had his family killed by humans and was being manipulated/possessed by Hades (Arcane’s equivalent to Satan) who also had his family killed by humans as well. You are interpreting him as a saint, but I would assume that he would hold a grudge or want to get revenge on mankind. How would you explain him driving young wizards insane and resurrecting Ramses to cause chaos in AA? This is him just being a sadist. Finally, collateral would help his plan, giving him more undead, and less people to worry about when ruling the world. Even if he defeated Theos without causing damage to the world, what would he have done to Oberon?

Out of every arcane character (except chaos), Durza is responsible for the most destruction and death. Cursebeard (who is another power hungry wizard) only participated in a war that wiped merely 40% of humanity and the Gods while Durza was responsible for two world altering disasters himself that exterminated 80% of the world and caused irreparable damage.

I understand that I am not going to change your opinion, I just want to defend my thoughts.


not 60 in a school zone
190 in a school zone, get it right

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Ultimate Art: Vehicular Manslaughter!


Durza wiped out 80% of humanity, fucked up the oceans, separated all the sea clusters, probably made most of the land in the world uninhabitable (in the dark seas), sacrificed his physical form and strives for power and nothing but power no matter who he has to hurt or kill to get it.

All because he was looked down upon in his village for being incapable of using magic.

Surely this is an empathetic character.


hades totally controlled him guys
it wasnt him guys totally
he definitely didn’t do all this

Durza could have been the nicest guy on earth pre-absorption curse but that part of him DIED the second he picked it up.


Such a way with words is all i can say. lmao

How did this argument get this far to produce such a statement.

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You need some type of award, not only is this funny as hell but it’s a perfect analogy



Wait, hold up, same thing legit happened at my high school and it just so happened to be on the very day when I wasnt at school, lmao. (I probs wouldve missed it anywya since my class is far away at the time). Dude was speeding, then tried to escape police by running into the school, and yes, right through the parking and gates. He was a mad lad.

No one was hurt, though it did happen just when people were going to their next classes so there’s that. Knew something was off when I heard the lockdown bell from where I lived (it didnt rang at the normal time and I live close), but anyways-

Going back on topic… didnt Tech once say somewhere that Durza deliberately blew up the world that time? Cause he’d rather have the world end rather than lose to Theos??? Or was that referring to the fight with PK…? May have read that in the Lore Encyclopedia trello or something, still pretty certain Tech said this somewhere…

Either way, I’d say this is a very accurate metaphor. Interesting choice of one, but still accurate. Durza deliberately screwed up the entire world just to not lose to Theos.

(Btw, I didnt engage or read much in this topic because moral discussions are very vague imo and can lead to all sorts of debates, so yeah…)

he could have used his power to save the village not too unlike a certain yellow-haired anime protagonist

I searched the 4 character lore cards on the lore encyclopedia, and there is nothing like this


Naruto. . .