The entire forums fight each other to the death while i just watch

Bruh, don’t try to read my english, just understand that Peacekeeper made things worse this way.

he would not wth :skull:

my dude literally do not care about anything but his own self and his pursue in power, best case scenario hes straight up murder everyone

worst case scenerio he turns them into undead for him

worst worst case scenerio Hades stepped in and stopped Duzra, probably after he;d killed everyone and cant progress any further

only 3/7 Seven Seas are gone, the rest are still inhabitatable

why??? its literally stated that PK went on to destroy every curses ( except for Absorption cause they literally cant ) save for a few that already have onwers like Magma, Light

or some that they decided to keep for whatever reason like the Metal Curse… huh…guess you might be onto something

please read the worst case scenarios part thank you

guh :st3:

Well, okay, Durza was killed, Seven Seas are destroyed and Peacekeeper saved his ass going to destroy curses, what normal citizens are left to do? Wait until some random tsunami will destroy their island? Maybe Durza was better than Peacekeeper?

its 11 pm cut me some slack

Magic pollution with extreme weather exist.
And anyway 3 seas and citizens from them cost more than death of one bastard.

please re read worst cases sceneraio and thank you

only half of it… did you even read what i said

humans survived an extinction that wiped out like 80% of them once, they can do it again

it not like PK is the only one thats willing to protect them

im not saying PK killing Duzra has no consequences, but those consequences are still alot better than what could have happened if Duzra’s still alive

the one bastard that will eventually kill them all one day, directly or indirectly…

ig tbf Duzra’s death did attract Chaos over which could potentialy screw things up really bad, but theres also a chance that it wouldnt and will just leave

so basically certain death vs possible death, id say the later is better

Your worse scenarios does not make a sence, Durza have been researching magic which means that he is not just a mad villain, but a clever bastard with maybe not super, but big brain.

Certain death is if Durza will die, possible death if he is not, since you don’t know what Durza will do, but you know what will happen if he is die.

what could a power hungry curse/magic thief might do? surely no one know that

are you seriously saying we should have just let Duzra live, doing literally anything he wants?

Way better than making our hands dirty by killing 3/7 of the Seven sea’s and causing full death of the seas in next years. Durza is bastard, but as long as he won’t find way to make himself stronger by sacrifising lifes, everything will be okay. I don’t see any motivation for him to destroy seas in which he live and probably use things made by others.

The fact that he can make undead army by killing everyone is possible, but Hades won’t allow him do that since that will mean threat to himself, cuz such a big and strong army will kill any god.

In this scenario you atleast give people a chance.

( tl;dr at the end )

the deaths was cause by Duzra going boom boom, not even 2 attack classing together like Theos did so we are completely innocence ( wdym we’re guilty too cause we tried to kill him? nonsense! )

lets make a scenario where Duzra have no way to further increase his power, what would he do? sit still and do absolutely nothing? ofc not

now theres 2 things that could happen

  1. the better scenario: Duzra leave the seven seas and goes search for other sea clusters ( war seas for example ). This is rather unlikely cause Duzra would have no idea that other sea clusters exist ( the webcomic isnt canon ) and they are far, far away from each other
    now, lets say he does travel to other clusters, with his undead army he could probably cross the dark sea since they dont need water food air, doesnt suffer from insanity, etc.
    so all good, right ?
    no because now the other seas would get fcked
    or maybe someone stronger than Duzra would show up and kill him ( cough cough Warren with his ( possible ) Inferno Curse )
    and now its them who would suffer from Duzra going boom boom
    would you refer this then?

  2. worst case scenario: he doesnt travel to other clusters and instead stay at Seven Seas.
    What would he do?
    Simple, what hed done before: experimenting
    which i can see two scenarios ( im using way too much of this word am i ) happen:

    1. He doesnt focus on humans and instead experimenting with the environment, sea creatures etc. Which would probably result in even more monstrous shts than Alpha White Eyes and even worse magic weather.
      Worst case he might even make Dark Sea “expands” due to his experiments
    1. He focus on the people. Do i need to tell you why this is bad.
      “It gives people a chance of surviving” in suffering, which mean someone will try to kill him, if they succeed, PK stuffs, if they dont, someone will try again, thats just how humans work
      Or they dont, and they break, would you prefer this then?

tl;dr: Duzra need to die or the human race will suffer. The longer hes alive, the worse thing become

So if somebody will scream on teacher because of him being dictator and then this teacher will make punishment not only for him, but for whole class, then this dude is INNOCENT?!!

my dude that was a joke

Dude, if you believe that Durza wants to destroy the world completely, then atleast give people some more years to live.
And Hades WON’T allow his dummy to destroy the world as I said before.

Even if Durza won’t destroy the world, but will terrorize people, then remember his deeds in lore doc, he was stealing from mages and curse users, but he did not give a shit about casuals, he is not known as fucking mindless murderer, he is known as a thief.

and im not saying he is, im saying hes gonna harm people in his pursue of power

you saying Hades wont let him destroy the world makes sense, id give you that

but at what point would Hades decide that “alr dude you’ve gone too far”

this guy did nothing to Duzra after he ( and Theos ) wiped out like 80% of humanity, separating the world in 5 clusters and filled the rest with dark sea

By the way he bombed world once, because he was scared and wanted if not to survive, but to atleast kill the one who will kill him (Theos) and I guess many people will do the same just because of their rage, so I don’t see the moment where Durza get fun from killing people.