The Five Worlds Chapter 5: The Execution

Sorry this is late. I was procrastinating.
More information: The Five Worlds Information

Hawk felt cold. Which was normal, but somehow it felt different. Opening her eyes she took in the dark brick room around her. There was a reinforced wooden door and a grate across from it. . What happened? Oh, I guess the humans captured me. At least I put up a good fight. Hawk released a sigh, assuming she would most likely be executed. Looking at her injured arm she saw it was untouched and uncared for, the bolt had been ripped out and the wound cleaned enough so she wouldn’t bleed to death. There was also a black chain with a metal ball attached to her leg. It would be a struggle to move, much less fight. Glad humans never bothered to study us. Hawk lifted up her good arm and flexed her hand muscles allowing claws to slide out and back in like a cat. Hawk was sitting on a cot in the cell with only the simplest of garments to cover her. Hawk’s higher body temperature kept her going.

Hawk sat in her cell just waiting for her fate. When her better hearing picked up on some of the guards’ conversations while they played dice.

“Can’t believe a felinor, much less a child, managed to kill the warrior Alexander,” the first guard said.

“Didn’t he boast about killing the Ice dragon?” questioned the second guard.

“I haven’t heard of it since then. Alexander never brought back evidence though,” stated the third guard.

“I thought he brought back one of its claws saying it was too heavy to move the head,” the second guard stated.

“Even if he did kill the dragon, how was he killed by a felinor?” questioned the first guard. Hawk allowed herself a little chuckle. There was no way he had slain the fabled monster.

“Well what are they going to do with it?” questioned the third guard.

“I have no idea. The king normally carries out executions but I think the gods wish to speak with her,” informed the first guard.

“Why would the gods want to speak with filth like a felinor?” exclaimed the second guard with disgust.

“They’re the gods, we could never understand their wims,” sighed the first guard. THe guards began talking about other things that didn’t interest Hawk. So she slept, waiting for her meeting with the gods.

Hawk awoke when she heard the lock rattling in the door. A guard was fitting a key into the lock. When the door swung open 4 guards filed into the room. Hawk was bedraggled and filthy but defiance still shone in her eyes, even if she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for 23 hours.

“Get up,” demanded the commanding guard. Hawk stood up knowing full well they would treat her like a slave so it was better to stay quiet and obey until she found a position of escape. The commanding guard walked out of the room and Hawk waited until he yelled back “Get out here, trash!” Which forced Hawk to walk, which was increasingly more difficult with the iron ball chained to her leg. The group left the dungeons and entered the city with two guards in front and two guards in back.

Hawk made sure to note her location; she had traveled the town many times so by figuring out her location, she could escape. Unlike at Night the roads were bustling with people and carts. Many people payed the group no mind occasionally though someone would look over and see her. Those people tended to turn away in disgust or sneer. A couple people threw tomatoes and other vegetables at her which the guards did nothing to stop. By the time they reached the temple, Hawk was filthy. One of the temple’s servants came down to meet them.

“Oh something this filthy can’t meet the gods!” exasperated the servant when she saw Hawk.

“All felinors are trash anyways so it’s fitting for this one to look like this,” the commanding guard spoke.

“Even slaves are cleaned to meet the gods,” the servant replied, “give me one second.” Hawk felt like something was flurring around her when the clothes she was wearing became pristine and clean.

“Why would you use the god’s blessings to clean an animal?” exclaimed the commander.

“It is what I believe the gods would want,” replied the servant in a beautiful voice, “now come along.”

Hawk was led through the temple until they reached a large dome building, upon which the servant entered. and the guards followed, making Hawk follow as well. Hawk noticed six large thrones of gold, more gold than Hawk had seen in her entire life. On top of the thrones sat three beautiful women and three handsome men. Besides the leading goddess sat a giant eagle, Hawk noticed it and decided it was probably the strongest thing in this room.

“You are dismissed,” commanded the leading goddess. The servant and guards left, leaving HAwk standing alone in this room with the six gods. The Goddess’s attention turned to Hawk as soon as they were gone. “Where is the false god?” demanded the goddess.

Hawk had no idea what they were talking about. “If I did know why should I tell you?” questioned Hawk with all the defiance a teenager could have.

“Lets just kill her now, Ethereal,” stated one of the male gods.

“Not yet Delusion. She might know something,” responded Ethereal.

Another god spoke up, “Ethereal, all the other felinors had no idea, why would a teenager know?”

“Fine, Iris torture her until she gives us answers or dies,” demanded Ethereal looking at an intimidating goddess.

The eagle suddenly ruffled its feathers as a chill went through the room. Hawk looking towards the door, she could hear screaming.

“Mizaer why did you make the room colder?” demanded Iris, who had been approaching Hawk.

“I didn’t,” stated Mizaer. Then Hawk knew something was up when a different servant burst into the room panting.

“Gods, we’re under attack,” the boy panted before falling down dead. His back was covered in blue ice.

“Isn’t that the boy we gave speed powers to?” inquired the goddess who had yet to speak.

Hawk looked around at the gods as she heard the screaming get louder. It was evident when the gods heard it as well. “You should go find out what that is,” Hawk stated in the silence that followed.

“Iris interrogate the Felinor, We’ll take care of the magic users,” Ethereal stated jumping onto the back of the eagle. HAwk watched as the other 4 gods flew out with magic.

“So now lets begin little kitty cat,” hissed Iris evilly. A ball of fire appeared in her hand and Hawk began backing away when she remembered the iron ball on her leg. Right before Iris began her torchure a sound, like no other Hawk had heard, ripped through the building. It was the roar of a monster fueled by anger and hate.

Iris was frozen in place, fear etched on her face, “But, But we trapped it forever,” stuttered Iris before running off to go help the other gods. Hawk looked around confused on how she wasn’t dead or in great pain. Leaning back down she picked the lock with one of her claws.

Hawk got up and ran in the direction Iris went. Once she got there she heard the sickening crunch of a building collapsing. Turning around she saw the eagle and the six gods trying to fight off The Great Dragon with all their power. The dragon was about 5 times the size of the eagle and had completely crushed the temple. Turning around Hawk saw the stairs covered in ice and the people on them frozen in place like statues. Hawk slid down the stairs and ran. She knew that the dragon would hunt survivors. Hawk continued on her way, not stopping or looking back, just looking at the frozen city and people that made up the largest city known to man.

This was exceedingly long and fun to make.
I’ll try to get another one out by Monday.