⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ Duel in Frostmill!

Published by Fang Percy.

This anchor of Odyssey Feed was published on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. (US).

Click the arrow next to the name of the section to view it!


Music You Should Hear!

By Toby Fox

Click the link while holding “ctrl” to open the music on a new tab!

Deltarune Chapter 2 OST: 06 - A CYBER'S WORLD? - YouTube


Trello News!

Welcome to another anchor of the Odyssey Feed! Today, we’ll be looking at even more weapon skills, and Vetex’s progress as we go around the merry-go-round that is the TGR! Will we go insane before Arcane Odyssey drops? Or will we hold on to hope? The Revamp Movie! Coming to a forum near you! Rated R for ridiculous :flushed:!

Besides that, i’m here to guide you though all that’s happened from last anchor to this one. I’m getting back on a normal schedule. I won’t rant this long all the time. Let’s dive in!

First of all, we’re greeted by a new weapon skill. It’s called Gun Draw: Rapid Fire. It’s for the Dual Pistols. More like Dual Gatling Gun :nod::ok_hand:!

Right after, Vetex released Onslaught, the first skill for Rifle Type weapons. From both patch notes and incoming leaks, we can assume it’s a grab / Melee skill.

Up ahead, some patch notes for version 1.6.89… :eyes:

Screenshot 2021-09-20 3.49.27 PM

Have you ever swum through the ocean infinitely in World of Magic? You could do it in a few different ways :fr:. You could jump out of the water and use a spell to stall and regain stamina, or you could stop sprinting, sink for a few seconds, and go back up.

While the latter was fixed quite earlier on, the former has just been fixed. No more mid-spell stamina regeneration for you :hungry:!!!

Also, we can see it’s revealed that Tempest is infact a tornado creating skill.

And last of all, Rising tide has received some upgrades.

Ready your eyes for another leak… A bit smaller this time around.


It’s a leak giving us a bit of a look into a group of troublemakers at Frostmill Island, called Frost Brigands :nod:. We weren’t given a ton of information about them. However, they have their own unique armor set that gives agility on top of the regular leather armor protection. Looks like they have random names too, but I could be wrong :eyes:.

Now, we have some important information if you’re planning to go hybrid. Vetex reveals in a tweak, that the amount of the two stats you want mainly as a hybrid build was lowered to 40%. This means that you can have 40% weapons, 40% magic, and 20% vitality while still being a conjurer build :mariomug:. I might be misinterpreting it, but we know now there’s room for flexibility. Just make sure you’re the right build when the level for awakening comes around!

Not only that, but there’s a new system we haven’t seen before. Or have we :thinking:? I’m not sure. But when you take strong knockback, or get hit for 33%+ of your health, you will enter a ragdoll state. This resolves itself after a second or two, or you can just use a spell to stop it.

A small feature, but less than annoying, seeing as you can very easily cancel it. A little bit of immersion goes a long way in the grand scheme of things :muscle:.

And at last :drum:

We have one of our biggest leaks yet, in which we can see many of the new weapon skills.

Behold, as months of Vetex’s work unravels itself before your eyes :poggers2:. And these are only a fraction of the finished skills. This video was uploaded by Mimhere on youtube, but was also later uploaded by Vetex. You can find it in a lot of places, honestly.

The first thing we see is the surroundings. We’re somewhere in Frostmill. There’s also a little town of ruined structures around. Looks like a good place to get a few chests :moneybag:!

In this video, Mimhere faces off against Noblesymphony in a battle for the history books (Or at least our leak-desperate community) :sleeper:.

We can see Noblesymphony use a Greatsword to use Tempest, the first skill for Greatswords. It unleashes a giant tornado with great looks. The only thing I dislike is how different it looks to many other visuals in the game.

Noble also dashes forward with a musket, using it to bash Mimhere into a pulp into the air, then shooting him. Several times, Mimhere uses primal swipe, the first skill for claws. It’s much less flashy than it was in the first leak where it was shown, since it’s being used at a much lower level here.

Mimhere also uses an axe slam, jumping up in the air and flying down to the ground at an insane speed, driving the blade into the ice and creating a large explosion. It’s quite fast and has a large hitbox. This move is Devastate. It’s the first move for the Greataxe and Greatclub.

We can also see Flash Strike several times in the midst of this. Comboing several different skills, Mimhere defeats Noblesymphony :v:. Noble also uses lightning magic a few times.

It seems that dodging and high jumping is still a very large part of weapon combat. Notice that the click/normal attacks weren’t in this battle, it was solely skills.

Vetex states that these first weapon skills still need balancing and fixes, which mixes perfectly with people complaining about the misleading hitboxes showcased in the video. Please note Vetex isn’t perfect and still needs to fix his things, even after showcasing them occasionally :frsleepin::ok_hand:.

Share what you think here :arrow_down:!

What you think about Vetex's New Video?

After this, we received some new changes on the trello. The NPCs can now use weapon skills. Of course, since most NPCs currently are low level, they won’t be using them quite yet.

And about Vetex removing the bloody weapon effects, he’s actually re-added a tiny bit of it. Blood overlays on weapons will now sometimes appear when you hit an opponent with a slash or heavy slash :crossed_swords: .

And finally, a new wilderness island called the “Limestone Key”

That’s all for this anchor of the Odyssey Feed :nod:!


Topic You Should See!

“Project Pain x54”
By @RayhanahyaR

Rayhan embarks on the perilous trek… towards recording every attack for every magic… and every variation of that magic. That means he must get to level 75… 54 times. That’s a lot of files and gameplay. At least he’ll get to experience all of the magics. But what’ll happen when AO rolls around and he has to redo them? Find out next time :sleeper:!

Project Pain x54 (?)


Art of the Anchor!

“The King of Summer Hold”
By @BNTarwarn

A King among art, BNT delivers us the old-fashioned King in super new drip! In fact, he sits on a throne of drip! Tong created the design of King David’s outfit in this art piece. The shading, the color palette, and the design itself is quite superb. Great job! Also, it’s BNT’s birthday, wish them well!

The King of Summer Hold


Writing of the Anchor!

“Apocalypse Bringer Elemental: The World Serpents”
By @liu

Have you ever wondered what the elements and magics would look like as an animal, mythical beast, or personification :thinking::eyes:? Wander no further! You’ve probably seen it many times, but liu has written a new entry on the ancient magic Apocalypse Bringer. Learn about a crazy amount of lore, information, and more!

Apocalypse Bringer Elemental : The World Serpents


Here’s a Puzzle For You…

Last time’s Riddle Solver is @StarForDays! Congratulations for being the first to crack it!

The answer was… ”16th of October”!

This Issue’s Riddle is…

”Lists #3

_ d j _ _ t _ e _ _ s

First to comment or message me with the answer will get a shoutout next time I publish!


Important Links

The Odyssey Feed
⚓ Odyssey Feed Center - The News Anchor

Arcane Odyssey Trello

Vetex’s Twitter

Vetex’s Devforum
Profile - vetexgames - DevForum | Roblox

TGR Info Dump (By 7grandnec)
TGR – Google Drive

Thanks for reading this Anchor of… The Odyssey Feed!


Let’s go topic of the anchor
Also I stop at level 75 to record all the spells

I’ll fix it :slight_smile:

Are we going to push an island into another island to open the world’s biggest lock???

Yes, next island is Limestone Keyhole.

“Limestone lock”
An odd wilderness island that looks completely normal until you realize there’s a part missing any land right in the middle of the island that just so happens to look exactly like the island just a bit away from it.

Now how the hell did that happen?

it’s BACK

Yes. :sunglasses:

adjustments :sunglasses:

Yes :nod:

Cryo pog


you’re fucking kidding

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Mega rekt



i’m living in your walls right now

if you don’t give me writing of the anchor i will kill you in your sleep

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I won’t let you run away with it next time.

you’re gonna get what’s coming

I’m feeling true fear