The Pain Of Those Who Post In Suggestions

Have any of you ever spent hours working on a suggestion just for it to die in 3 hours…
I can’t be the only one on the forums who suffers from this every now and then right? Right!?

For those wondering what post I’m referring to, it’s this one.

Rise up my suggestion poster comrades and share your pain!

  • On a more serious note, I really would like to know about other peeps who suffer from this aswell since from time to time good suggestions do get overlooked.

I think that it’s not really that people don’t look at the suggestions, it’s just that they don’t comment on them. I read almost every suggestion that’s new but I don’t reply to the topic that often.

True there are plently of cases where while a suggestion is read a bit, it doesn’t get a very high engagement rate so it gets pushed down into the forum’s depths.

I have felt similar pain when I make a suggestion and it gets closed in 2 minutes for breaking the rules.

oof, Even after reading it and the reason behind it being closed, I dunno how that was against the rules… but oh well.

Yo, yours last more than 1 hour? Lucky…

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no, :sunglasses:

(I do that in #writing)