The Peacekeeper vs The Warrior of Liberation Monkey D Luffy

toonforce characters still feel pain, but like at random times

for example popeye can stub his toe but throw the moon or take no damage from getting hit in the face with an anvil

this isn’t a “random time”, he tried to touch kaido while he was coated in fire and felt pain from the heat. Just because he is goofy on gear 5 it doesn’t mean that he is invincible in battle, otherwise any upcoming fight would end up almost meaningless

I’ve always found it a stretch to call gear 5th and Luffy’s powers Toonforce. They’re definitely cartoon-inspired and wacky/toonish in nature, but when you compare Luffy’s gear 5th abilities to a character from Looney Tunes you’ll see how much he pales in comparison.

Not to mention he has a limit on how long he can be in gear 5th, and after it’s up he becomes a deflated soggy balloon that can hardly move for a couple minutes.

It’s not actual ‘‘toonforce’’ it’s just Luffy turning every thing into rubber, and he can still be defeated he’s not a god or anything and he can’t beat PK either

I don’t even see how he would harm the PK
What’s he gonna do, make a big fist and punch him? The PK tanked a blast that evaporated 3 seas

And yeah Luffy isn’t a cartoon character just because he’s like rubber. A cartoon character would be able to build like a planet destroying ray in a few seconds, or literally just grow wings and fly at the speed of light or something (or take a nuclear blast to the face and only be blackened with messed up hair)

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Peacekeeper take luffy power

Luffy: nooooooooooooooo :sob:

Peacekeeper: oh no sadge * dies *

luffy win

Most accurate source for power scaling:

Either way imu wins.

Erm ackstually spongebob solos

The roblox Community whenever they see a Oiled Up Goff Girlfriend with a level 3 gyatt but in roblox.

Toon force out of getting your existence eradicated :t_rex:



hasn’t spongebob done that like, numerous times?

His superpower is literally being rubber

that is so me (im the girl)

hi kitty

That’s not really toon force, and even if you were to consider it that then it would probably be the very lowest levels of it. When you think of toon force you typically think of the ability to literally warp or deny the reality of the medium that you live in. For example how loony tunes characters can paint a road in a wall and it becomes a path, pull or reach into the next panel of a comic, or interact with things that should be metaphysical like onomatopoeias/thought bubbles.

So far the extent of toonforce that luffy has displayed (outside of normal applications and amplifications of his abilities) is the classic running on air gag and creating goggles from his hair, and while those can be pretty impressive for the one piece verse they’re not exactly the strongest feats of all time

Tldr: luffy doesn’t necessarily have insanely powerful toon force, he mostly has his normal powers but amplified to a sillier level

Yeah but the difference being is that One Piece is a Anime not a Cartoon and SpongeBob is a Cartoon which is the pinnacle of Toon Force.