The Peacekeeper vs The Warrior of Liberation Monkey D Luffy

that killed the guy with earth curse fr?

I don’t think that would even kill him bro tanked what was basically a continental explosion

brother ate a planet shaking blast

It was basically a multi-continental + I would give nuclear bombs large country level.

i don’t think that’s what his power is

Luffy’s powers is toon force this makes him have power to: manipulate objects, manipulate his speed to possible FTL Luffy does not have enough power to use his toon force at full effect like how SpongeBob erased reality without any effort or became the moon.


yea but he can’t just imagine a nuclear bomb, he’s still just basically rubber and turning other things into rubber

Spongebob solos fiction

Oda does not want luffy to become too over powered + I don’t think in One Piece nuclear nukes existed.

ok but in all seriousness Luffy probably could beat the PK, my main evidence for this is solely based on the fact Gear 5 appears to be literal imagination powers. My intereptation of Gear 5 would be that he can imagine anything even if by the personality of the fruit itself and therefore would express his freedom before actually doing attacks, we can see this with how he materialized goggles in his hair before putting them on, before attacking Lucci at Egghead
If I were to guess the draining of luffy’s strength would only come and go as he would simply reinvigorate himself.
(Plus, curse of absorption requires the PK to touch luffy for a prolonged period, which means the PK would have to be faster than light)

PK would burn, drain, cut, smash, drown, slash,explode,freeze, impale, and poison Luffy and even more. No way Luffy is winning this one

Your assuming the PK has to absorb his power to win
All he has to is absolutely clobber the shit out of luffy using one of his dozens of magics

bruh no way luffy is that fast where did u even get that info

pk doesnt even need to touch someone
durza just held his hand out and consumed magic energy

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doesn’t he have observation haki

I mean he literally said the light was slow in the episode

observation haki can let you predict the future a bit, they were probably talking about that