Things that Should be Magics and Aren't / Vice Versa

Magics are created and based on existing concepts in the world, but some things just don’t make sense.


Things that shouldn’t be magics

First we should establish, things that are just combinations between magics are fair. Arcturus, Poison Lightning, those are fair. They put the magics together and made something nonsensical.
However, some things are neither combination nor sensible

  • Phoenix
    Right so we have a magic based on a fictional/legendary bird of rebirth? No. How did they make that into a magic?

  • Ancient Lightning
    What is this even supposed to be? It can’t be based on lightning that forms naturally in the Dark Sea, right?

  • Flare
    Flare itself makes sense, but not with the existence of Sun Magic.
    Flares come off of the sun, so wouldn’t Sun Magic already encompass solar phenomenon such as Solar Flares?

I’ve gotta go to bed, I’ll continue tomorrow.

They threw a phoenix into Prometheus’ promethean blender and baby bird fed it to Theos after his wife died.

Elden Ring reference

It’s kinda like how plasma and sun magic are different if I had to guess.

new kos btw

bad opinion btw :+1:
you forgetting about the other magics zzz

Need I remind you gods and dragons exist in this verse?
We got poisonous magic rain and the thought of a phoenix shocks you?
They probably do exist in verse, just rare/extinct

that’s why one is lost and one is ancient.
One is a flaming hot burst of radiation, the other is the entire nuclear reactor currently going supercritical.

Zenless Zone Zero

Aren’t both lost?

pretty sure yeah

though with the existence of both plasma magic and lighting magic (literally the same thing), it doesn’t really matter

I’m fairly certain sun magic is ancient, I mean cmon, its the sun.
(also there’s a clear progression from fire/plasma to flare to sun)

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The progression doesn’t matter since flare and sun are mutations of fire. Same for plasma being a mutation of fire magic. You can argue that Equinox is a lost magic if we use the progression side of things since Shadow or Light can become Equinox.

Combination magics (e.g. Frostmetal) are inherently uncreative. Don’t see why you couldn’t just cast two bases simultaneously to get the same effect. Only thing that would save them for me is looking cool.

For the other part: Plant magic. Hopefully it’s a lost.

equinox is different because its whole deal is that these two things are explicitly NOT supposed to mix, and yet here this dumbass is, pouring water directly onto the grease while pointing it at something.

stock you’re overthinking it, the AO magic system doesn’t make sense / wasn’t properly thought out regardless

Lightning is a form of plasma, I think fire may be too

tbh i can kind of see how some magics look kinda ridiculous

think of it like earth and sand or ice and snow or fire and light or earth and metal

solar flares are actually hotter than the core of the sun, so there’s reason for them to be equal in my opinion

Names were chosen by the magic’s creator. Since Phoenix Magic is basically healing fire, the creator just thought it would be accurate.
That’s the in-universe explanation.
The IRL explanation is just one word: retcon

The storms in the dark sea are caused by massive amounts of magic energy no? So basically any large event in the past that could be assumed to have had a lot of magic energy involved could have had the red lightning already. The creation of the earth, the war between the gods and titans, and anything of that nature. If whoever first got ancient lightning knew of literally any event in the past like that, just any legend that said “in [INSERT EVENT HERE] there was a lot of powerful red lightning” then naming it ancient lightning would be pretty fitting to them.

Its an old magic that’s a stronger form of lighting
Hence the “ancient” and the “lightning”