Before you read no this isn’t an ad or anything this is just something i might be interested in making
So AO is drawing closer by every day and i’v been thinking: Getting all the rares in games and evetnaully lost and ancient-tier stuff would be nice, but i’m just one person. No matter how much i grind it all comes down to rnjesus himself to bless me so i’ve come to the conclusion. I don’t have any friends so i should make a group that is SOLELY dedicated to collecting the rarest of rare items in the game. There isn’t any guild mandated bullshit or anything and i doubt i will even make a guild. It will simply just be grinding sessions to get the best items ingames (whether it be long fishing sessions, expiditions into the dark seas, figuring out charts, sea exploration, etc.)
How it will work is that it will kind of be a universal bank on some different accounts. Basically whenever you get a “rare” item, you can of course keep it however, lets say ypu get a rare item you so not desire, like a legendary weapon, you could trade it in for “points” which you could then spend at the shop in exchange for specific items like a grabity magic scroll or something like that. This bank account would also have some sort of marketplace post on here or something like that.
Now, im not gonna lie if i told you that im exactly the bets at trading (i’ve only traded like twice in here and on my first trade I basically scammed myself), but this is something i have wanted to try for a while and have been anticipating, so i will probably decide the values of items myself based on economy and the point price of some items may fluctuate based on demand and rarity. There might also be frequent giveaways if managed to be pulled off correctly and we become decently wealthy.
Now, the biggest flaw right now is one, i dont actually have a discord server up right now, and two, the system i made above is pretty flawed (keeping track of each individual’s points would be pretty hard)
But if you are interested in joining,
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If you want me to hit you up when I create the server (or you can message me). Remember, you aren’t mandated to be active or anything, you can just chill out if you want or just participate in possible future giveaways or smth like that
Anyways leave any thoughts (or ideas for a better system since the current one is kind of tough) in the replies. looking forward to creating this in the future