No, its supposed to be better.
Considering that the only thing that AA had that WoM hasn’t done better is boats and any degree of mobility, I can clearly see what the problem is.
We’re too slow, combat is slow, moving around is slow, everything is slow.
Also there’s a rather critical lack of story.
Having a strong opinion makes me biased and selfish, alright.
Yes, I am biased against adding AA to WoM because I disliked AA, does that make me selfish? If it does then so be it, I’m not changing my opinion.
Well the game being a continent isn’t what’s blocking his creativity, its a whole different problem.
With the current plan, any player can start at any point on the map, preventing any kind of real area progression.
How on earth is there going to be a large and impactful story if there’s no area progression?
Adding islands won’t solve that, it’ll just add sea based travel between the lack of area progression.
Go ahead and tell me where exactly on the map unique late-game content can exist where it won’t put new players at risk.
That’s right, literally nowhere.
It’s the structure of the game which is limiting his creativity, and the continent is part of the structure. and he even said. " the game is painful due to it being a continent."
As I said before the content that can come with such a thing, would add more substance.
huh, If WoM turns into islands, you can make all the late game stuff on one side of the map which won’t affect the newer player. and if your talking about AA, there are 3 seas for a reason .-.
If that was really the plan that problem would of been solve a long time ago.
If WoM turns into islands and keeps the culture system, as long as there’s a spread of towns across the entire map, islands won’t change anything in that regard.
But it is the plan, have you not read the trello at all or looked at a completed map of Magius?
We can spawn at any town and there’s towns in every area.
There is nowhere for some special boss cave to exist without risking a level 40 walking in and getting obliterated by an overleveled enemy with no warning.
No, but you’re completely ignoring it.
The towns are EVERYWHERE there is no spot on the entire map where you can add some special room in a non-randomized spot for players to fight unique endgame enemies in without risking new players being nearby. New players are adventurous, WoM supports exploration, they will die and they will leave the game because they spawned into the one culture that has the final boss sitting next to it.
Islands won’t fix it either, it’ll just be slightly different exploration, stop convincing yourself that islands and boats will solve every single problem in the game.
If there’s a reason that vetex’s creativity is limited, it sure as hell isn’t going to be that the map isn’t broken into a thousand pieces.
Its the culture system letting us spawn in at level 1 at ANY point on the entire map.
Just like AA, entire game was rng based, you fight against someone who got a legendary, you lose, you fight someone with full blessed rare/black magic/sunken you lose, also accessories, thats the fun, you lose in PvP and you’re forced to grind and git gud, or quit due to stress and pay to win gold chests?).
I like the idea of islands - especially if the islands form little archipelagos and it’s possible to traverse the gap between some islands without a boat.
AA’s massive ocean meant a lot of sailing, which was very dull. The only thing I liked about the island system was how it provided a natural mechanism and incentive for grouping up with friends (which WoM is struggling with for other reasons).
If done right, WoM could reach a happy intermediate between “pangea” and “oops all ocean”. Occasional sailing and a map broken up into distinct chunks, but most exploring is still done on foot.
It won’t solve any deep issues with WoM, (killerboss is right that it doesn’t help keep new player spawns away from high level content) but it will make it easier to split the map up into universes when we eventually need to do that.
I want legendary weapons to NOT EXIST or be put behind genuine effort instead of an RNG scroll that has you master the art of wearing nimble armor to unlock a chest.
and when I say genuine effort, I am not talking about pvp tournaments for even half a second.