This wotan dude

putting in tier 1 the man who didn’t have the balls to go kill his rival with his own hands (got scared for days and sent a god that knew how to put shit done)

Worth it or not, he really is just the strongest there is. Nobody else in the Arcane Universe has “Worldbreaker” on their feat list.

I don’t understand how everybody keeps forgetting that. Doesn’t matter if he was aiming at Theos or not, the fact is that his attack shattered the world and left the majority of it worse off than Chernobyl.

pk could do better.

Meh, that’s just game design. The power of plot armor compels us to loot all, know all, and slay all.

Even if he caused all the shit that messed up the world most of the characters mentioned mop the floor with him

pk literally stole all of durza’s lifework, there is no plot armor

No idea why people are obsessed with Morock recently. Curse users are canonically able to fly using their Curse, yet he didn’t use his Promethean Fire to save himself. Strong by all means, but not the brightest.

Back on the topic of Wotan, I feel like people on Warren and (presumably) General Akeem’s power level are the main reason why he hasn’t tried taking over all of the War Seas. The only reason why I can see him accepting a treaty is if he gains the better end of whatever the deal is, such as getting Sameria’s exports at a cheaper price than what Keraxe exports to Sameria. If he isn’t getting something out of a peace treaty, then there’s no point to it.

he wanted to kill himself graahhhh

wouldn’t it be epic if instead of a 1 on 1 boss fight to beat wotan, it was some sort of gimmick fight where you have to support Warren?

I think the reason he accepted the treaty is less because of powerful rivals, because those characters are still alive now, but rather cause of the order. Cause I dunno how Calvus being as weak as he was, with Ravenna itself being at its weakest at the time, would manage to make a treaty which his life was the crux of, with one of the most aggressive and powerful kingdoms, without using his position as a High Lord to pull a few strings.

possibly, would actually be very interesting

That would imply that Wotan knows of the Order’s existence, and if he did, why would he not join? Are the other High Lords somehow more powerful than he is, or can he not take them on in a 5v1?

the in-game AG bases literally had ceiling lamps bruh

No it doesn’t. I’m saying the Order manipulated somethings from the Shadows to get this to work. Maybe they carefully manipulated the people and nobles to desire more peaceful options at least temporarily and Wotan was kinda pushed a long to at least give it a shot, or something like that it doesn’t really matter how. Again it makes more sense for how Calvus was able to pull this off, and there’s not much sense in Wotan signing for the benefits if he was just gonna invade the second Calvus died. Those benefits probably would’ve remained had he not, and even if they wouldn’t it probably wouldn’t have stopped in the hardly over a week after Calvus’ death it took him to attack.

Forget flying, promethean flame should be hot enough to passively evaporate any sea water he gets near even if he falls to the bottom of the ocean.

I mean cmon, it is THE fire.

Bro really should’ve had a bubble of dry land down at the bottom of the sea.

That could’ve been sick.

i feel like almost all the people mentioned on that tier list could do that if they felt like it or were put in that situation tbh, durza only did that because he missed his blast and cant aim for his life (bro really needs to put in some hours on Kovaaks)

staying on topic wotan is strong wow

the reason why is because Theos was winning in that fight and had acheron losing several limbs. He did it in extreme desperation because he was about to fucking die

This is why I don’t usually get involved in powerscaling.

There’s a whole lot of coulds involved, but without feats to support it.

Like maybe Theos could do the same thing Durza did, maybe he is that powerful that he could break the world, too,

or maybe he seriously is just that skilled of a warrior that he was able to put up a damn good fight, and start winning. Ya’ll said it yourselves, up until Durza got(stole) his powers, he was a magicless scrub, without any real combat experience. Theos has years of experience, and skills unheard of in anyone else of his era.

So maybe they could do it, or maybe it just turns out that Durza’s a bloody pansy, with enough power to destroy the world twice but none of the skills to properly use it, and everyone else just happens to be strong enough and skilled enough that they’re able to fight him on nearly equal ground, despite his massive power advantage.

Personally, I’m of the belief that Theos was just that good.