This wotan dude

Anyways, how old do y’all think Wotan is? If there’s no previous mention of the Wood curse do y’all think he may have been around pre-war of the gods?

I remember someone saying he’s been around since before the Wrath of the Gods, I forget where at though…

Durza is NOT beating the build carry allegations.

I wonder if the massive world ending attacks is just a Durza thing, seeing as he is the only one with nearly every magic in the world.
For his first attack, it says he combines every magic together, and for the second attack it says he uses “pure” magic energy

Honestly? It could be. Magic is a creation of(or is it like a weird manifestation? I always forget the particulars, I just know it’s related to) Chaos, so maybe smashing all the magic energies together creates an energy similar to Chaos and that’s what gave the attack all that power.

Guessing pure magic energy literally means the energy that we use to cast spells, and considering how much of it he’d amassed by stealing the power of others for so many years, it makes sense it’d make a big bada boom.


Cursebeard and Morock are wayyy stronger than even prime Theos. Freedrock, Warren, and Wotan might be too. The rest I agree with.

thats what im talking about :fire:
we are the exception :100:

Low iq argument for several reasons.
Firstly, in the lore document, it specifies he hit a mountain. This may not sound important, but it implies he hit a tectonic plate. It’s like how Gojo when unsealed underground, he accidently caused an earthquake. Is he normally capable of causing an earthquake? No. The destruction of Earth was entirely situational, If Durza had not fought at Oberon, and instead in the middle of the steppes, he would have DIED.

Morock scales above Prime Theos, who scales above Durza, Arsen and like 80% of all curse users. Morock’s greatest feat was literally responsible for the rebirth of the PK, and Trigno, Rupin and Averill even being allowed to commit piracy in the first place.

Morock solos your favourite mc, arcane character etc etc

Wrath of the Gods lasted like a few months after Durza died, Wotan 100% was around before the Wrath of the Gods.

Durza is the biggest fraud known to man. Not only is he the only ever curse user to die to a non-curse user, he’s the only curse user to have a win record in the negatives

Can’t forget about how all his feats include having to get power from Hades and hide from other strong Magic/Curse Users out of fear.

More likely the fact he’d get coalitioned by everyone else. We’re told the Grand Navy enforces peace (Aggressive UN), and the Thorne Empire was entirely willing to destroy Ravenna just to stamp out a potential competitor. If Wotan had continued his aggressive actions, he 100% would face the wrath of Azura, Sameria, The Thorne empire and the Grand Navy.

Although this could be a sign he has some insight to the Order of Aesir, and instead of being directly involved he’s just cooperating to obtain hegemony over the War Seas after the Order completes whatever their goal is.

What suedo science is this? That’s not how tectonic plates work in the slightest, your level of coping is off of the charts. And what of his second attack with no tectonic plates? Your just making up bs, this is like if I said some thing like “Morock was only strong because the sun was up and made his fire hot enough :point_up::nerd_face:

now bro gets it :sob::pray:

(mountains are located inbetween 2 tectonic plates)
(but tbf if this is england ig thats an oversight from vetex)

*pseudo, (i win the argument)

I’m going to be honest, destroying a tectonic plate is still way more impressive than barely destroying 400 ships
Also your totally ignoring my 2nd point

No, seriously, your coping is transcending beyond space and time at this point.

Even if the first blast was somehow…

Whatever the hell you tried to explain it as, simply making a big bada boom on the boundary of two tectonic plates isn’t going to cause a planet-wide catastrophe.

And more than that, yeah, his second big bada boom had pretty much the same results, with no tectonic boundaries involved. Meaning even if your crackpot theory had any grounds, it’s immediately incorrect, because he had the energy to do it a second time without blowing up a mountain.

So not only did you state only one “reason,” it was an incorrect reason, at that.

Long story short, even if Durza is a cowardly fraud of a big bad villain, his feats still include planetary destruction levels of power, and other characters simply don’t. Fraud though he may be, he’s still the strongest fraud in existence.

That feeling when it would :skull:
(The forced shifting of tectonic plates + magic and chaos release

It very laughably didn’t.
Lets see what the Wrath of the Gods DID do:
Eradicate only 2 seas of one sea cluster.
Cause a 1-2 Month Long era of Pollution
Ends after those 2 months globally.

And the second time, again wasn’t an attack from Durza. It was the forced release of magic energy and chaos caused by Durza dying, and his stolen magics and curses bursting around the globe.

Long story short, despite Durza having direct and continuous aid from Hades over the span of 8 centuries, he was still defeated thrice by magic users, the most amount of losses (and only amount if you’re considering hes the only curse user to die to a magic user) out of any Curse User. Durza’s feats are not his own, they’re results of accidents he could not control and his situationally blessed positioning.

Morock solos

ha ha bark

the amount of mental gymnastics here are crazy


Are you going to ignore him killing multiple curse users, countless mages, theos, the one shot pirates etc?


Not entirely sure if anyone has pointed out here that you are arguing against a guy that follows the lore very precisely, except when that lore says very clearly that morock is weaker than someone.

You can’t win an argument against someone who knows that they are wrong.

We have a word for that. It’s called a volcano. Or an earthquake. And we have hundreds of those that don’t end the world on a regular basis.

What Durza did was not shift the tectonic plates, he shattered them.

You have a very key word here that I boldened for you. Because even the energy needed to effect the world on the whole for “only” 2 months is still absurd and definitely above that of your beloved pirate Oshi.

Your cope is making you overlook key details you yourself have said, friend.


But one can at least try to guide him to see the error of his ways.