This wotan dude

There are plenty of characters in dragon ball who could blow up the earth.
That doesnt mean they are all on par with each other.
Durza cant be considered the strongest for being possibly able to do something he cant even control

Unlikely, if you devote yourself to being so obsessed with someone who is actually a cool character, it is unlikely to stop.

You say ā€œpossiblyā€ like he didnā€™t already do it, though I will concede on the point youā€™re making here.

I still think this is a whole lot of coulds without feats as evidence.

He really is the biggest Morock Stan. And if Iā€™m being perfectly honest, heā€™s dancing about the subject so much that Iā€™m starting to get physically tired.

All your points are just belittling other characters, if anything, your point is saying Morock is weaker then we previously thought. Also tbh, dying to a magic user still isnā€™t nearly as bad as dying to a salt water bath

Yeah, because just 10 minutes ago someone capable of using magic energy also hit a tectonic plate, most certainly. (Bro has not heard of the Tambora explosion, itā€™s not that hard for something to spread globally)

He shifted them, he at most shattered a small part of a plate near England.

Itā€™s not. Again, things like Tambora spread very quickly. Secondly, itā€™s implied the Seven Seas and the War Seas are moderately close to each other, seeing as Durzaā€™s curses all are said to have went south. (Where weā€™re told the War Seas are)

Morock solos and everybody deep within their soul understands this

Drop an example. Morock is stated to scale closely to Cursebeard, who is said to be able to fucking decimate Durza, and that is one of the reasons Durza was constantly on the move. Im begging you drop an example where Durza would ever with his own conscious power scale above Theos, let alone Morock.

Good example, Durza is the Yamcha of Arcane. Heā€™s strong by normal standards, but it just so happens he lives right next to the strongest beings in the universe.

Yeah, Iā€™ll save you from the Durza brainrot thats spreading in the forums, comrade.

Somebody got a link to the lore doc real quick? Got something I need to check.

Stupid argument because not all curses act the same. We can estimate power, but nearly every curse has an ulterior usage. Eg. Wotan, whilst strong with the Wood curse has been shown to use it outside of combat. Durza (by the point of the first big boom) has the Earth curse and either the Lightning or Explosion (perhaps both). Each has an out of combat usage.

The Promethean Fire Curse, in sheer power outscales Durza. Comparing a feat that is exclusive to one ability to stupid because nobody else can do that. Cursebeard would decimate Durza, but can he destroy the world? 100% No.

(oh and the Promethean Fire curse has been said to have every attribute of every other GFC. Itā€™s the ultimate weapon. )

Last I checked, Durza killed Cursebeard, and YES revived undead DO count towards Durzaā€™s power

the bait is crazy

But Iā€™ll feed it.

After the recent major lore retcons, something vetex said in 2021 back during WoM is not credible, get an accurate and modern source


Theos was regarded to be strong enough that people thought he could rival Cursebeard. Theos curbstomped Durza (twice).

Thats not the case when he is still stronger than many

That was Durza 800 years ago bozo, he obviously became far stronger since then

Yeah, Yamcha isnā€™t weak. If you put Yamcha in any other verse heā€™d solo. Itā€™s just that in the verse he lives in, he just happens to be around the strongest people in Universe 7.

Strong enough to be terrified of Theos? Bro had PTSD, he ran around begging Theos to not catch him lacking.

How the fuck is he comparable to yamcha

Theyā€™re both frauds in their universes, but Yamcha is still strong

But so is durza??
He would be able to win against mostly everyone excluding the strongest people in the verse

Yeah, so would Yamcha lol. Again, heā€™s only seen as weak because he hangs with the strongest people in his entire Universe