This wotan dude

He didnt go after Theos bc he had allies like Randal and Cursebeard, not to mention the AG wouldn’t be happy about Durza trying to steal Theos’s magic. As powerful as Durza is, he cant kill them all at the same time.
Meanwhile Morock couldnt even take on the AG lel

Right then, it’s fact checking time.

There are no more continents. Let me spell this out for you:

Continents are products of the naturally denser Oceanic plates subducting beneath the Continental plates, allowing the continents to stay “afloat,” in a sense.

For the continents to suddenly just disappear, and a bunch of islands to take their place, this would require a shit ton of tectonic plates to be shattered and broken, allowing for new volcanoes to grow along the new boundaries formed by the new cracks beneath the ocean’s surface to generate new islands.

This literally cannot happen without disastrous damage to the tectonic plates themselves. What Durza has done here is completely incomparable to Tambora.

Hm. Let’s read a certain part again.


Oh boy, he exploded with so much force that he sent a massive chunk of the planet upwards at escape velocity. I should not have to spell out the math required for such a thing.

And again, your Tambora comparison is moot, because this isn’t just some giant storm that spread from the explosion, he’s causing tectonic activity all around the bloody planet.

Yeah no, morock was absolutely destorying the ag and was close to killing valencia too, the ship couldnt sustain his power and it broke in half, making morock fall to his death.
The strongest enemy he had to face was the floor

Theos never was aligned the Cursebeard. They had mutual respect for each other and so one maybe would be willing to help the other. Their goals are completely contrary to eachother however.


Yeah, because the guy who “could beat Morock” is shaking in his boots over Randal.

Wait so its actually now comfirmed that theos dodged by flying.
I was right lol

Yup, he took the phoenix bit literally.

Theos The Chad Phoenix.

Randal can easily warn Theos the instant Durza gets remotely close with his control over plants.
Cursebeard doesnt like Durza.
The only reason he waited so long to start a war was because Durza wasnt an immediate threat at the time, and it wasnt worth losing thousands of troops trying to kill him.
If Cursebeard had an opportunity to fight Durza directly, with Theos and the rest of his crew outside of Durza’s domain, I have no doubt he would have taken it.

No? You’re acting as if the Earth didnt maintain structure from what was previously existing. The Aegean, Mount Olympus and Othiris are all next to eachother, like they are irl. There are islands in the Dark Sea that likely contain the majority of the world.

You are using the global minority territory of habitable Sea Clusters to back your argument. If things like the Epicenter exist, and mountains that pierce the clouds in the Dark Sea, you better believe that those Tectonic Plates are still reasonably intact.

You know what else went into Space, and is suspected of ORBITING THE PLANET? The Promethean Fire curse. Sounds pretty familiar, doesn’t it?

Yeah nice headcannon. What you just said is entirely contradictory to what is in the Lore Document, which is Durza was running from Theos, not the other way around. Randal’s job was to find Durza, because he was the one running around in fear. Heres that screenshot again btw.

Again, nice headcannon. This is AGAIN contradictory to what is said for the reasoning behind the Cursebeard War. Cursebeard only went after Durza because he himself, after 8 centuries decided it was time to go for him. Prior to that, he did not see Durza as worth his time.

(oops put the quote twice)

Mountains are insanely tiny compared to Tectonic plates, and Tectonics plates are underground so this makes litterly no sense

This means litterly nothing, curses weigh little to nothing

If the Tectonic Plates had completely shattered, absolutely no mountains would be left over because they would collapse on themselves lmao

Oh and also I find it funny you immediately like any post that goes against my argument before even reading it, idk smells like cope a little

+if ur gonna make a reply please reply to the argument about ur headcannon pookie :cat:

Ignoring the rest of that reply for a moment, I can guarantee you it takes less force to expel a mass of magic energy into space than it does to expel a large chunk of the earth itself.

Try again.

Are you… okay? What about that was wrong. Unless you need to look at a quick map of Greece, Othiris, Olympus and the Aegean all lie next to eachother

Oh, I get what you meant, but you’re still wrong because you’ve misread it yourself. “This is the region” does not tell you the mountain is gone. It is telling you that the War Seas is situated where Greece was once, which can be certified with the fact that 90% of the other cultures are European or the Mediterranean

Old man at palo confirms that the ruins of olympus are underwater

Wait so how are people looting Olympus :skull:
We got fishmen before we got rid of Durza Glazers :sob:

Diving bells i guess?

waterbreathing potions goober

Oh fair, I forgot alchemy existed in the Arcane World

I always end up skipping over Palo Town’s quests and NPCs once I’m at the quest to head up the Stepstones, so that’s good to know. Otherwise I would’ve gotten on Skittles for
