This wotan dude


nuh uh

Nono, not about it’s location, about the fact that it even still exists, though as Alive says, it still exists, just Sunken.

Like you said, misread the statement.

Yeah. which implies it has not entirely collapsed, just submerged for the entire structure to still be called “Mount Olympus.”

The reasoning for this is Durza was busy going around collecting power, and wouldnt bother fighting Cursebeard directly. This isn’t cowardly this is logical, if you were Durza, would you fight someone who hasnt used their full power in so long?

What even is your argument here? I never said Theos was running?

Look at how the Tectonic plates are cut.

When they shatter, its going to be into millions of smaller tectonic plates, being as thats how it works in real life.
There would be earthquakes, sure, but so long as a strucutre/mountain is inside of one of these mini plates, they would remain largely undamaged.
Its not like Jenga where they all fall in on themselves, rather massive continents are cutting into pieces, but still these pieces are far larger then teeny mountains, and thus they wouldn’t be cut into parts. (As long as they arent on a new fault line)

I read fast

Don’t call me that

Would make sense, tallest mountain on earth is actually mostly underwater.

Cool to think there’s a whole damn mountain range down there.

Wouldn’t it be easier to argue that Durza just didn’t realize that Theos has only gotten weaker while he has only gotten stronger rather than saying he wasn’t actually a bit nervous about Theos?

nah, he mentions when he throws undead prometheus at Theos that he is just biding his time for Theos to die of old age rather then fighting him directly (The man is 987 :skull:)

No, because if you look at the date it’s said, Durza has been running for centuries, when they had barely changed power. Cursebeard never had interest in Durza until 1850-4 because he did not see him as worth it. Durza was only ever facing ONE person.

You did, you should probably very quickly reread how you phrased Randal’s position in the sentence, because it entirely changes the definition.

This has to be satire. I’m not even gonna argue with this because it looks like the only one doing Pseudo-Science here is you :skull:

Yeah, because you definitely read a paragraph in 5 seconds.

My apologies my pookie-wookie bear :pouting_cat:

I always forget that powerful mages just look at the word “lifespan” and laugh.

I can’t tell if this is disagreeing with me, but I do agree with the fact it’s a pretty cool idea that entire mountain ranges could be underwater. (underwater structure in the future?)

Oh, and if the tectonic plates did shatter, Vetex would probably rewrite the lore because it stunts his ability to create new unique locations based off of IRL places lol

Reread your argument, I was enforcing why Durza didnt just jump Theos, to your point of “WeLl iF dUrZa Is So StRoNg WhY dIdNt He JuSt JuMp ThEoS”

I do still think you’re severely understating what Durza did there, but honestly I’m tired, and you’re right enough about mountains. We’re talking planetary scale here, shattering a plate will bring a mountain crumbling down, and mountains don’t grow in a few centuries, so there has to be something still intact beneath the surface.

And yes, there is this.

Durza had no reason to not jump Theos if according to you he could easily beat Morock lol.

lore doc explicitly states durza’s blast shattered the continents and altered the world for centuries
it was so powerful that it filled most of the earth with magic irradiated dark seas
his blast must have been pretty strong

“erm! he hit a mountain! it just altered some tectonic plates!”
“something something tambora” lol i’m not looking into allat
“earth maintained structure because aegean, olympus, and othrys are all next to each other!”
“if tectonic plates had completely shattered no mountains would exist!!!”
“look at a map of greece :nerd_face:”

morock 100% beats durza in a fair one on one fight but you are glazing this guy way too hard

Morock-sama needs me tho :pleading_face:

He’s a skeleton at the bottom of the sea, he only needs peace. :joy:

Let your pirate Oshi be permanently eepy.

Nah bc being able to beat Morock just doesnt mean that much since its apparently so easy to do.

It’s official, Morock solos

Ay-ah, I can’t even anymore.