This wotan dude

idc about curses, giga chad daddy goatheos mogs on morock

Theos is based but he isn’t beating Morock-chan.

Well at least it didn’t devolve completely into madness.

Sorry @lamion for the dragged out debate.

Morock would solo lamion.

Hush now, Morock has gotten more exposure in this thread than he did in-game, let Lamion’s Wotan thread be in peace.

That isn’t disagreeing with my statement :cat2:

It is a little funny how irrelevant Morrock is despite having the best curse made for the specific purpose of stopping the strongest man alive

Anyways I’m a Wotan glazer now, if it was Wotan’s fleet Morrock wouldn’t have sunken a single ship even if neither Wotan or any of his sons showed up.

One half of a Fenrir > Morrock

Because I refuse to try anymore.

Something-something Theos is best guy Morock is now a calcium twig for sharks to sharpen their teeth on.

Do I have a new challenger?

Wotan’s miserable wood would be destroyed by Morock, ever seen what Fire does to wood?

Wotan too broke to invest in guns dawg. Bros out here using the 1066 Norse-Swordsmen

I don’t know if the fire too weak to evaporate sea water could beat wood

Also its like really nice wood

Seeing as the Promethean Fire Curse has every aspect of every other Grand Fire Curse, it 100% would pull a Greek Fire and start spreading across water.

Wotan would be pissing his pants.

Morock only lost because Valencia was there, who is the direct counter to any Curse-user (aside from Cursebeard) at sea. Wotan would be decimated because there is no contest for Morock, even against all of Wotan’s sons.

I forgot Greek Fire could do that.

But also it’s a naval battle and Wotan will probably sink poor Morock-tan’s boat before he gets a chance to really fight.

Bro doesn’t know

I like how Rick Riorden straight up lied and said it was from ancient Greece

Morock still uses technologies from like 800 AD and Ships from 1600 AD. He’s not doing shit when Morock can just outright counter Wood before it’s even cast.

Greek Fire was confirmed to have been used during the era of the Byzantines, who’m were alive well before the big boom of 1200.

Trigno could survive that by turning the water into obsidian
So could Valencia, and Freedrock since they have experimental curses and water doesn’t kill them
Wotan would just make a new boat before he hit the water :sailboat:
Julian would have just flown
As you can see, Morock has no excuses

bro really said trigno might have a chance against wotan and valencia too when she’s like stronger than old theos or something

I’m aware

Absolutely nobody on that list other than Trigno would ever try challenge the AG.

Trigno would still lose, because his curse is arguably too slow to meaningfully even hit Valencia.

Julian is getting his shit rocked because if he turns into Glass, the vibrations from Valencia would shatter his ass and have him drop into the ocean.